This makes me REALLY angry for a number of reasons.
First: an eight-year-old girl is suffering facial lacerations because of some prick.
Second: it is suggested that the intended targets were motorcyclists.
Now, I can understand that people get upset about people riding their dirt bikes in a reserve not meant for such things. I like bikes, but they are noisy and can cause a whack of damage to both the flora and the tracks which are not designed for such activities. Fair enough, it's annoying. That is NOT a justification for causing serious injury. The cowards who did this are, in my opinion, worse than the road-rage idiots. Stringing piano wire between trees, with the specific intent of hurting someone is a totally cowardly act. Assuming it was intended for the motorcyclists, the fact that a kid who was riding her bicycle has been injured makes it all the more reprehensible.
I hope they catch the pricks who did this are found and have nasty, nasty things done to the genitals with piano wire.
End rant.