Prompts: BSG Femslash Battle the First

Jun 25, 2007 21:28

from now until midnight EST on Sunday (July 1), we're inviting prompts for femslash pairings inspired by Occupation/Precipice + Exodus 1/2 in comments on this post.

that's right, ALL you have to do is leave a comment with your prompts! as many as you like! you can put them all in one comment! or if you think of more you can make another comment! seriously, go nuts!

all we ask is that you format prompts thusly:
pairing, inspiration word (or words -- but really, you can keep it simple)

pairings may also be threesomes or moresomes, and as long as there are at least two girls they may also include any number of boys.

your prompts may be used for wildcard entries that don't have anything to do with the designated group of episodes. but it should be at least remotely possible to relate your prompt to something in Occupation/Precipice + Exodus 1/2. if you need access to these eps, hit up bsg_episodes, or check out TWoP's detailed recaps if you want a refresher.


please, please, please PIMP this far and wide...

eta: prompting is closed! see the next post for the BATTLE itself.

.prompts, 7:battle

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