getyourtoaster wants YOU

Jun 24, 2007 23:45

OK, troops! what we're going to do is combine the most popular choices in the poll, to create monthly season 3 episode-based femslash battles. are you excited yet?!? the operation will go as follows:

step 1 - collect prompts from anyone and everyone
step 2 - fight! in this case we'll be posting prompt responses to the comm (rather than in comments)
step 3 - once you've written at least one entry based on or set during the designated group of 4 episodes, you can post unlimited additional wildcard entries that set a prompt whenever/wherever
step 4 - everyone wins!

adamantly opposed to this plan? not at all what you expected when you were voting oh so democratically? please speak up ASAP.

we are now in need of a conscript to serve as battle commander, which entails collecting and posting the prompts and logging the link each time one is fulfilled. shout if you're up to the challenge!

the schedule will be as follows:

battle the first - Occupation/Precipice, Exodus 1/2
collect prompts: June 25-July 1
fight: July 2-July 29

battle the second - Collaborators, Torn, A Measure of Salvation, Hero
collect prompts: July 23-July 29
fight: July 30-August 26

battle the third - Unfinished Business, The Passage, The Eye of Jupiter, Rapture
collect prompts: August 20-August 26
fight: August 27-September 23

battle the fourth - Taking a Break, The Woman King, A Day in the Life, Dirty Hands
collect prompts: September 17-September 23
fight: September 24-October 21

battle the fifth - Maelstrom, The Son Also Rises, Crossroads 1/2
collect prompts: October 15-October 21
fight: October 22-November 18

this leaves the rest of November free for Razor (does anybody know a more exact airdate?). if we're sick of battles by that point, some other kind of Razor-based ficathon might be in order.


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