Dec 06, 2007 23:59
Its sort of odd, how the rain...well any sibilance of weather really, is enough to make me believe in something all over again. I know that sounds, insane, at best. But here goes:
Day after day of sun, and similar temperatures ranging from 65-70F ... it begins to really make you jaded. (I know on the other side of the grass, you'd think this is crazy or selfish..or just plane stupid. But try it. Live somewhere where weather doesn't exsist. You might see my perspective, on how it really begins to wear heavy on you mood) You begin to wake up and think god damn it... could I just get a cloud even?!
Anyway...this feeling, begins mixing with feelings of living in stagnation. Everyday becoming closer and closer to the same. My pursuits leading me around in circles
So for me, when it rains...Its like a fresh beginning to something different. A chance for everything to change...all at once. And bring meaning back to the routine. It makes me think about all of this as well...and sort of find the motivation that maybe weather has nothing to do with it..and I need to get off my ass. So indirectly...or directly speaking...Fuck it. I love the rain. I should be outside, on the roof, enjoying it.