We must recognize the duality of Europe. On the one hand, Europe is an economic union. This alliance is an expanding Euro zone. On the other hand, a symbol of the expanding Europe is NATO. This duality could be used to pull Europe into a military conflict with Russia.
Europe might be drawn into military conflict with Russia through Ukraine. There is more than enough evidence of this particular perspective. It is important today to realize that civilization fault line passes exactly through NATO - Russia. Conflict with Russia would indicate a split in Europe. Eastern Europe is expected to come out of the periphery after the military conflict. In Eastern Europe, there is a consensus of the elite and the people over the war. Awareness of such reality has spurred the Russian power elite to erect an "Energy Wall" to separate from the Baltic countries. This was evident as early as 2007. Vector of changes in Russian foreign policy manifested itself in the message of president Putin in 2007, which stated "... the New NATO members such as Slovakia and the Baltic states, for example, despite the preliminary agreements with NATO, have not joined the CFE treaty. This creates a real danger of unpredictable surprises." Actually, there were created a range of countries unfriendly towards Russia. The article "Energy "Wall” and the contours of the foreign policy of Russia after Putin" pointed out that the final stage of transformation of foreign policy towards the Baltic states will be the construction of the world's first" Energy Wall, "This "wall" will make the border with Russia impervious to energy resources. It should be noted that the construction of the "Energy Wall" between Russia and the Baltic countries is a logical consequence of such course of events. The key to understanding this transformation of foreign policy is membership of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in NATO. Already the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in the summer of 2008 correctly recognized the right of the Baltic peoples to such a choice, as well as Russia's right to its own independent energy policy.
However, it is possible to avoid escalation of such a conflict, and resolve the issue peacefully. Symptoms of exacerbation of pre-split situation in Ukraine are evident. Ukraine is bent over both inside and outside the country. It is unlikely for it to preserve the status quo in this position any longer. It is time to talk about a peaceful solution of the “Ukrainian bend over”. There is no need to poke the head in the sand like an ostrich, as if the problem did not exist. It will not resolve itself. A peaceful solution is on the surface nevertheless. The solution is in peaceful secession of Galicia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia. It would also resolve the issue of the EU and the Customs Union, and insoluble in another format historical, ideological, linguistic and other issues between Galicia and the East of Ukraine that excruciated Ukraine for the last 20 years.
Problem of the Crimea and contradictions in other eastern regions of Ukraine are much easier to solve without Galicia. Two incompatible parts can finally begin to live their lives without wasting energy on issues that could be easily resolved in a civilized world. Otherwise, the current Ukraine, approaching every particular historical date would always tremble in anticipation of whatever could happen. If this is not done peacefully, it will still happen in a form of an armed conflict.
The question is what status Galicia would acquire after the separation. Recently the Polish media expressed concern that Galicia is being deliberately represented in Ukraine in such a light as to discredit it in the eyes of the EU.
At the same time, there was conducted an independent review of certain provisions of the party program of the AU "Svoboda", clearly not resembling European values, at least for the would-be independent state. However, it seems, the Poles know better.
There is exactly the same controversy between Galicia and Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Ruthenia, as between Galicia and Eastern Ukraine. Scenarios for the future of Galicia have already been laid out. There is also an urgent need to address the Ruthenian question in Subcarpathian Ruthenia, where everything is ready for a peaceful separation from Ukraine. If in Galicia the main driving force is the AU "Svoboda" and the Ukrainian nationalists, in Transcarpathia - Subcarpathian Ruthenia the main driving force is the Ruthenian movement and Transcarpathian entrepreneurs (more than 50 thousand people).
On May 10, 2011 at a meeting of business people in Transcarpathia, Mukachevo was prudently prepared and announced Public agreement between the present Ukrainian authorities of the Baloga clan / UC and the residents of Transcarpathian region.
Clan Baloga / United Centre are to publicly relinquish all power down to a deputy village council nominee from UC, who should resign. If the clan Baloga / UC goes peacefully, it would guarantee them the lives of all members of the clan and their families, and preservation of their property. Otherwise, there would be implemented the proposed two-stage scenario.
Stage 1- Zeroing the balance of all representatives of the clan Baloga / UC on payroll. Zeroing in a literal and figurative sense. In the words of one of the participants, "to disassemble up to the last brick; just as this power dismantled collective farms in the villages of Transcarpathia, there should be dismantled all real estate (commercial and non-commercial), namely residential homes, business facilities, boutiques, supermarkets, warehouses of the clan members themselves and their relatives . The second stage - depending on circumstances, not excluding scenario of the Romanian Revolution of Ceausescu era. Entrepreneurs offer all Transcarpathians guided by this, to discuss and resolve all the practical issues from this point of view.
However, there is a great chance to change the government peacefully. Steady balance is in the process of development, the balance is still fragile but as far as no one violates the Public agreement, there is nothing to fear. This would be a truly historic victory, when the Public agreement reversed a catastrophic scenario.
In case of events, similar to the latest revolts in the Arab countries in Transcarpathia - Subcarpathian Ruthenia, it is difficult to imagine who would provide political asylum to members of the Baloga clan. Nobody would need them as illegitimate rulers, even former allies, who used them for their pragmatic purposes at some stage.
... The new Luddites
There are cases when residents of Uzhgorod, Mukachevo and other towns and villages of Transcarpathia set fire to cars of some prosecutors, judges, deputies, throw grenades and petrol bombs into their houses.... Until now, such things were done discretely. However, at present Transcarpathians are ripe and ready to go publicly, but only in respect of property of the Baloga clan. We are talking about mass actions, when 15-20 thousand Transcarpathians during the day would dismantle to the ground houses, supermarkets, warehouses, etc. of all members of the Baloga clan, and plant cherry trees in their place. Such a scenario will be enacted only if the Baloga clan would violate the Public agreement between the present Ukrainian authorities of the Baloga clan / UC and the residents of Transcarpathian region..
It now appears there are three scenarios of the future of the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians:
Ukrainian / west Ukrainian, Hungarian, and Subcarpathian Ruthenian. What are new opportunities, choices, meaning of each of them? The first option - Ukrainian - no one has any doubts about why the regional administration is interested in preservation of the status quo of current Ukrainian State, namely, they have no other plans, than embezzlement of budgetary funds. The second option - alliance with Hungary. They are not promising for the majority of population, except for the Transcarpathian Hungarians, and even then only for their exploitation as the potential electorate, and geopolitical expansion of Hungary through the actual impact on the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians. The third option - Subcarpathian Ruthenian - provides legal ground for the self-sufficient society with guaranteed rights: to employment, jobs and decent salaries to all migrant workers, who now roam the world, earning money to support their families in a foreign land; and also free education, free healthcare, decent-Old-age income for all citizens of Subcarpathian Ruthenia ... More detail could be found in the "Ruthenian national conception," "Subcarpathian Ruthenian economic doctrine," Memorandum of the Government of RSR.
1. Leaderism times passed away, especially when it comes to leaderism of Victor Baloga;
(Ukrainian hierarchy / Baloga clan, about which so much said and written that it is already well-established negative brand in Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Ruthenia)
2. The present masses can support only a REALISTIC PLAN
3. So far, no one has offered any realistic plan for the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians, other than the Ruthenian movement; neither Hungarians, nor Romanians, nor Ukrainians, living in Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Ruthenia.
It is no secret that the main problem for the opposition-minded Transcarpathians is the problem of alternatives, particularly alternative content. Most Transcarpathians are disappointed and do not believe the modern Ukrainian political parties and their declarative programs, as well as Transcarpathian politicians.
Apart from the programme of the Ruthenian movement, the future programs of other political movements remains unspoken, their strategic line also remains unknown. Apart from the Ruthenian movement, nobody suggested any changes, required in the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians, and the means of their implementation.
Ruthenian movement
in recent years has been rebuilding its relations with everyone, completely excluding Ukraine and its authorities from this development. Subcarpathian Ruthenia seeks to change its structure in order to determine its own future, according to its people’s rights and responsibilities. Expanding Ruthenization of Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Ruthenia is clearly noticeable for all, and cannot fail but cause joy of the Ruthenians themselves, as well as in the countries of Central Europe and Russia. .
Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Ruthenia is the only territorial-administrative unit, which Ukraine has not included in its legal field after the Transcarpathian regional referendum of 1991 , to date. Ruthenians are recognized outside Ukraine, but not considered as a people by Ukraine. Therefore, Ukraine has deprived itself of the opportunity to participate in the solution of the Ruthenian question. Disputes about the Carpathian Ukraine and Ukrainian history ousted the real discussion about the present and the future of Ruthenians as a people, and the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians as their place of residence.
As a legacy from the Soviet Union, Transcarpathia has sufficient economic potential comparable with the potential of a European state such as Hungary.
Subcarpathian Ruthenia is interesting to the business community and the leadership of the European Union, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus and, of course, Russia. Subcarpathian Ruthenia has found itself in a unique position, able to provide it with such condition. However, its wealth, most of which in the absence of the necessary legal framework and infrastructure is not involved in the process of economic relations and does not create added value, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of national economy as a whole.
Every month there are more and more information about the new-old formation of the EU countries of the Visegrad Group. First of all we are talking about Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. Initially, it came to that countries of the Visegrad Quartet announced their intention to create a new military unit. Later the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary announced their plans to join electricity markets. However, there is a single key part in this project - Mukachevo substation, through which all this is connected. Given that the main pipeline and compressor station is on the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians, the plans of the Hungarian gas storage facilities and power plants are firmly aligned to the plans of Subcarpathian Ruthenia.
Given the geopolitics of the Eurasian transport corridor and large probability of dissolution of Ukraine with secession of Galicia, and passing of a small portion of transit energy corridor through its territory, the Republic of Subcarpathian Ruthenia becomes the energy heart of Visegrad group. All the major energy flows converge in our land. Even with the launch of the northern stream, the key role of Subcarpathian Ruthenia for the Visegrad Group on transit and the redistribution of energy supplies will not change.
Russia continues to work on opening a general consulate in Uzhgorod
. Providing there is already functioning Russian consulate in Lvov, it is clear that Russia perceives the region of Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Ruthenia separately from Galicia. Such regional differentiation is significant not only for the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians, but also for Russia itself.
apprehends chain reaction in its territory, but Subcarpathian Ruthenians emphasize that they intend to establish their state in the territory of Transcarpathia, and nowhere else. Ultimately, it is beneficial even for the Ruthenians in other countries: instead of a dubious attitude towards them as potential separatists, they acquire normal relationships with the authorities of their states, as well as obtain a national parent state in the Subcarpathian Ruthenia, which existed as an autonomous formation between the World Wars.
It should be noted that the Subcarpathian Ruthenians, at each their Congress from the First World Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians in the Czech Pardubice, raised and developed the concept of dual citizenship for the Republic of Subcarpathian Ruthenia. Neo-Empires (Poland, Hungary, and Romania) always reduce everything to confrontation in its various manifestations, and this is VERY bad.
Nevertheless, the confrontation of Hungary, where it is not necessary, is silly.
After all, should Hungary refocus and start cooperation with neighbouring countries, they could have become its area of influence, a much better gain than any Law on dual citizenship! Continuing the same old policy, it can only acquire real enemies. After all, even the Hungarian opposition has criticized the Law on dual citizenship. Fidesz considers the Hungarian Diaspora as the electoral support to them. Hungary did not offer any models of integration. Most likely, the problem as such was not even emphasized. Annexation is not easy, as there is the need to align social standards. In the current situation, none of the countries of Central Europe would be able to pull out such a project. Besides, the necessary for it EU consent could hardly be reached. In addition, already existing Romanian, Hungarian and Slovak Diaspora in the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians with established historical, cultural, geopolitical and civilizational basis, provides the key to security and stability of Central Europe.
For the EU and Russia as an energy provider, stability in energy supplies in the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians is more beneficial. In addition, the transboundary waters - segment of r. Tisa in the territory of Transcarpathia (223 km.)- forms a fresh (potable) water for a large portion of European territory. The best option for the territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians would be establishment of neutral, non-aligned parent state - the Republic of Subcarpathian Ruthenia.
From the perspective of the EU, the Carpathian Mountains are a natural boundary that has always existed. Strengthening the EU borders in Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania would be much more cost-inefficient.
Security of transit, strict control of illegal migrants and transboundary waters, all create strong arguments in favour of the neutrality of the Republic of Subcarpathian Ruthenia.
Ruthenians do not consider any of the neighbours an adversary a priori.
Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Ruthenia has every chance to become the similar state for the world and for Central Europe, as Austria is for the world and Germany. It would be a mistake to upset in any shape or form already established territorial, ethnic and inter-religious stability in such a sensitive region.
It should not be forgotten that Ruthenians live in not only Ukraine, the U.S. and other distant from their historical homeland countries, but also in states bordering Ukraine.
Besides, western Ruthenian vector is directed towards the Balkans, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, USA, and eastern vector is directed towards Russia, where representatives of the Ruthenian Diaspora reside. Incidentally, the latter circumstance allows for an especially important role of the Ruthenians for both, Hungary, and Slovakia.
Ruthenian people passed through the mill of long centuries, steeled in their smallness, abandonment and solitude, always standing tall at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains. The territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians never developed particularly fast economically while preserving natural habitats.
In such conditions, Ruthenians never had a scale and ambition. Modern Ruthenians developed slowly, primarily because of modest means and capabilities, but the purity of motives and hard work always fructify.
Для мирового сообщества пришло время мирного решения проблемы "Галичина".Украина не способна решить Открытое письмо-обращение к делегатам и участникам 11-го Мирового Конгресса русин. Украинская судебная Кама Сутра САЙТ ПОДКАРПАТСКАЯ РУСЬ