App for d_versus_d

Sep 17, 2010 15:18

Player Name: Eq
Player Journal: equilibratum
Character Name: Matsu Hitoyoshi
Canon: Yakuza Theater
Character Info:
Matsu lived in what can be called a very normal life, with caring parents, awesome friends that hang out with him about half the time, and of course, dating one of the school's cutie. However, in one fateful night during Middle School, Matsu got... Well, kidnapped by a group of formally dressed men, and dragged off into who knows where. There, he is told that he's been chosen to represent the Kusanagi-gumi in an underground pit fight, Matsu, thinking that it was a candid camera event or something to that effect, accepted the offer to represent the Family in one fight only.

It was disastrous. Matsu, having no combat experience, is completely and utterly trashed by a woman. One of the things that happened during the match is the woman almost succeeding in cutting his manhood off, setting off a survival instinct within him, where he calmly stood up, and started dodging attacks left and right, before finishing the match with a simple blow to the abdomen, and collapsing right after that.

After waking up in an infirmary of sorts, Matsu met the leader of the Kusanagi-gumi, who is actually a friend of Matsu's father, who then asked him to join the Kusanagi-gumi as a part-time member, due to Matsu still being a Middle School student. Not sure on how to answer the question, Matsu suggested that they give him a few more years to think about it, since he is still in Middle School and all.

A few years have passed, and Matsu, now on his last year as a high-school student, continued living his life peacefully, all the while coping with his new-found allergy to women. Even though he forgot about the offer completely, and only remembered a bit on what happened back then, it did come back to bite him in the ass, in the form of yet another kidnapping.

Now given the choice to join the family and protect all that he holds dear and getting out of his mundane life, Matsu finally accepts the offer, and becomes an official member of the Kusanagi-gumi, and decided to move away to where the family is located, that is, after lots of crying from his parents and several farewells to his old friends. Conveniently, or not, depending on how you look at it, Matsu's girlfriend, Chinatsu, decided to try and unveil what Matsu is up to, which makes things a bit complicated.

A few weeks later, Matsu was then attacked by a mysterious person, who attacked him for some unknown reason. During the battle against the stranger, Matsu was beaten up pretty thoroughly, if not for that same instinct that saved him during his very first battle. Not only that, this chain of events caused Matsu to gain his first kill.

When he realized that he killed someone, Matsu decided to hide himself for a few days, in fear of that mysterious instinct overpowering him and goad him to go on a murder spree. It was not until a few hits from his comrade, Ginjiro that he snapped out of it, just in time for a challenge letter to appear in their midst. Apparently, the challenge is a duel to the death in a factory near a harbor, and that the challenger is a person named Kozakura.

...After realizing that the challenger was in fact the very first person that Matsu beat, he panicked and later on decided to train instead of running away from the reality. A few more days passed and the day of the duel comes, while the Kusanagi-Gumi's HQ comes under attack by people from Kozakura's family, the Kichida-gumi.

Matsu, having no choice but to go to the duel while his comrades deal with the invasion, headed to the battlefield all by himself, and right as Matsu took his first step in, he was pulled into a very one-sided battle and would have died again, if not for his survival instinct appearing again and helping him in defeating Kozakura for the second time, and ending her life for good, just as the Kusanagi-gumi managed to repel the Kichida-gumi's attack.

A month passed, and Matsu has fully recovered from his battle, only to find that he's been enlisted in an underground tournament. Since this is a tournament arc, let's just say that he entered after trying to wuss out of it, and failed. In any case, he won most of his match, that is. Until he faced Hideki from the Hagino-gumi and lost after a valiant effort.

Two weeks after the tournament, Matsu started hearing about a mysterious person who happened to be seen around and beating people up. Matsu, being the smart person he is, decided to check it out, only to get attacked by said figure and sent into YET another two weeks worth of recovery.

It was then he learned of the true nature of his Survival Instinct, apparently called Near Death Instinct, called so due to its tendency of rising up from the hidden depths of the mind. whenever the holder of this so-called instinct is in a near-death situation.

Matsu's boss, being curious, decided to try and pit him against a visiting guest from the Hagino-gumi, called Ryouko Kagami. Apparently, she's some Enhanced or something, and is a lot more powerful than a normal human. Well, that's what the rumors said anyways. In any case, both of them... agreed to the match, despite Matsu's weakness to girls.

The fight went normally, and near the end, when Matsu is beaten down to the point that he's unable to fight, Matsu's resolve finally caused what is no doubt, a small miracle. Matsu's resolve apparently sets off the Near Death Instinct, allowing him to land a single blow to Ryouko, which is an amazing feat, considering that he wasn't even able to touch her during the battle so far.

The very next day, the Kichida-gumi HQ is attacked by the stranger that defeated Matsu. Long story short, it appears that, from the words of the man that tagged along with the stranger, the stranger herself is Hatsuka, the very same person that Matsu is about to propose to later on that afternoon. After beating up most of the members of Matsu's family and leaving Matsu alone.

Matsu was... safe to say, completely devastated over these turns of events. However, instead of moping about like usual, he decided to find more information about both Hatsuka and the man that was with her, and found out a very disturbing information. It turned out that the man was called Natsu Yoshida, Hatsuka's uncle from her father's side. Not only that, Natsu apparently was a member of the Syndicate who escaped with details of the Enhancement procedure, however it didn't stop there as it was also revealed that Natsu was trying to replicate the procedure so that he can sell the plans to the military in order to cause a new level of warfare between the human beings.

In any case, after a lengthy talk with the Kusanagi-gumi's boss, they agreed to mount an assault at Natsu's supposed lab, with the main aim being saving Hatsuka and killing Natsu, in that order. At first the operation went smoothly, with them defeating the guards Natsu hired easily. Until a certain encounter with Hatsuka that is, for Matsu, literally heartwrenching as he forced himself to go all out and kill her, there being no way for her to actually snap out of the programming on her inflicted by Natsu except by killing her. The only thing that Matsu is glad for is that she died as herself, and that even without the ring, yes, she will marry Matsu if they're not in this unfortunate sequence of events.

...Saying nothing more, Matsu then went towards Natsu without even saying anything, and initiated the final battle. Sure Matsu has the upper hand with his Near Death Instinct, but Natsu has a lot of tricks under his sleeves to counteract Matsu's onslaught. This doesn't deter Matsu by one bit as he continues keeping his assault until he finally defeats Natsu after turning the tables over.

And thus Matsu... finally avenged his girlfriend's death, and after getting over her within two weeks, he decided to travel across the worlds.

Personality: Matsu is a simplistic person, he doesn't like details all that much, nor does he tend to go out of his way to make elaborate plans during battles. That's just the way he is, as he follows one principle in his life: "I live so I can reach my dream: Which is to lead a simple life." Due to this, people tend to mistake him for an idiot, since he tends to zone out whenever things get quite elaborate, while in actuality, he just tunes out the complicated part, and don't even care about it. Unless it's really needed, Matsu will often stick to the simple parts of the plan just for the sake of his principle.

Not only that, one of the defining parts of his personality is his recklessness. Ayup, due to some influence of watching too many Shounen Jump stuffs, Matsu picked up some of the heroes' mannerisms. Hence, it's probably quite normal to see Matsu charge forward with reckless abandon at an impossible enemy without training, or probably to just charge in at a bust to save a friend. Whatever the situation, Matsu will react impulsively to it.

Despite all these, Matsu is quite serious about his job. Even though he's still disgusted with the idea of killing people if the situation gets too rough, he'll still do it if pushed to do so. The family doesn't want useless people, and Matsu really doesn't want to be useless to them, because who knows that they're going to do to his family if he quits? In any case, Matsu won't joke as much as he does when in a serious situation, and will indeed kill a target, if it is absolutely required, otherwise, he'll just subdue the target and be done with it.

Of note is that besides all these, and your standard friendliness, when pushed to the edge or in a near-death situation, a fail-safe system that is unique to the Hitoyoshi bloodline is activated, in which that the person will get up and continue to fight with several reflex boosts at the expense of overexerting their bodies. In this state, Matsu won't respond to anything, and will attack his target with ruthlessness, since at this point, he's already unconscious, and that his body is the one reacting to the moves done in the fight.

Near-Death Instinct: A failsafe system that is unique to the Hitoyoshi bloodline which when activated,t he person will get up and continue to fight with several reflex boosts at the expense of overexerting their bodies. In this state, Matsu won't respond to anything, and will attack his target with ruthlessness, since at this point, he's already unconscious, and that his body is the one reacting to the moves done in the fight.

Notes: N/A

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