so friday i got to do more interesting stuff at the hosptial instead of doing bed baths, breakfast drop off and pick up and bed changes. my patient got discharged so i was able to go watch some endoscopies, colonoscopies, and a cardiac catheterization on a patient who came into the ER for a heart attack. I got to see the atery and what it looked like being blocked and then i got to watch the doctor open the artery up (on the monitor). NEEEAT huh?
This is the stuff i saw:
This is the small intestine and hwat it looks like on the inside =]
this is the colon and what happens with diverticulosis which causes holes in the colon and intestines. If you have diverticulosis you are not allowed to eat popcorn, seeds, peanuts or corn because they can get stuck in the holes...i thought that was kind of interesting.
heart cath
fun stuff, huh? =]