Nov 01, 2018 14:29
I'm looking for a specific fic, Justin's uncle was Brian's gym teacher when he was 14. They may had been at a holiday family dinner. That all I remember.
Thank You
hurt-comfort fic,
b/j go to therapy (alone or couples),
s-5 (the author's way),
brian's gym teacher,
justin finds out b came to hospital,
non-con or dub-con,
b/j get arrested,
justin leaves brian,
brian cries or emotionally breaks down,
b/j vacation fic,
b/j fuck at debbie's,
amnesia fic,
brian hurt or down a well,
justin is brian's first,
abused brian,
family: taylor extended (grndprnts etc),
author: walmer92,
friendship: justin-ben,
family gathering,
friendship: brian-jen,
b/j encounter homophobes,
brian says "i love you",
b/j fight,
b/j have nightmares,
b/j drunk or stoned