Brian is Michael's POA

Nov 01, 2018 12:13

I just remember this one scene (of course it's anti-Mikey) - Mikey is causing problems and pretends to (I believe) attempt suicide to get Brian's attention. Brian is his POA and knows it's a ruse for attention, makes sure Mikey knows that he knows that, but makes him stay in the psych ward anyway.

I really hate when I have *one* scene stuck in my head. I know I'll kick myself, as usual, when I find out which story it is. But thanks ahead of time cuz ya'll are super fanfic sleuths!


FOUND *very quickly* by Nicole Roker. It's "He's Mine" by Starlight. Link in comments.

anti-michael, justin raising kids, anti-lindsay, gus, author: starlight

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