Justin mpreg

Jan 27, 2016 16:02

I believe justin was 24 and it was post series, the condom broke and brian and justin went to get tested. The doctor told them that justin was pregnant. Flash forward, at the end of it, brian woke up and the whole pregnancy was a dream and they actually had got a surragate


condom mishaps (broken stolen etc), justin moves back to pitts from nyc, brian quits smoking, b/j fuck raw, protective brian, friendship: justin-oc, dr. alex wilder (202 doc by any name), mpreg: pregnant justin, b/j health scare or issue, b/j talk in bed, b/j thinks the other cheated, drew boyd, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, family gathering, b/j have baby via surrogate, friendship: justin-daphne, b/j monogamous, author: wouldbedorothy/aprilhope/ahs, justin has panic attack or seizure, post-513, b/j have nightmares, b/j drunk or stoned

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