Brian and Justin move to Tuscany. Found!!!!!!!

Jan 26, 2016 20:34

I would like to ask for your help to find a new story.
In this story, Brian and Justin have been married for 30 years and has three children: Gus and others two.
They are moving to Tuscany after Brian's retirement.
The biological Justin child is studying medicine and Daphne is his mother. He has a girlfriend named Lena.
Gus is gay and is dating a friend of Justin.
The daughter of Brian and Justin has a baby before they move to Italy.
Both are very well this story and celebrate the 50th anniversary of Justin and 30 years of marriage with his family before the change.
They are happy in Tuscany until Brian gets sick.
I believe this story is the sequel to another. If so, please, I'd like to meet the two.
Thank you for all the help.

Found! Link in the comments!

b/j polyamory relationship, holiday: anniversary, b/j raise a family, gus is gay or bi, justin has other friends, novel length, angst, b/j travel, b/j live in another house/city/country, author: miss miko, friendship: justin-oc, gus is an adult, death fic: major character, b/j involved in trial or lawsuit, b/j meet a former boyfriend, pairing: gus/omc, b/j jealous, au, justin fathers daphne's child, far in the future, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, pairing: brian/other with emo attachment, b/j aging: gray hair/glasses/etc, pairing: justin/other w/ emo attachment

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