fics similar to "How we got where we're going by Allie"

Jul 29, 2015 21:46

How we got where we're going by Allie. I read this fic again recently and it's just perfect. It has the right amount of angst, perfect amount of Gus and Brian and Justin. Plz suggest me fics similar to this. I want gus with Bk and JT. Brian as a father figure with Justin by his side. Yes I have been through tags but will appreciate your help. Looking forward to reading more fics. Thanks

Found some in comments. Looking for more.

author: allie_quixotic, fluff, author: nicollemidnight2013 aka fatimak7, b/j raise gus and/or jr, daddy fic, author: jane2005 aka lady_jane, download: aly's fic fldr backup@sidebar, gus, gus is gay or bi, angst, dead!lesbians, b/j own or care for pets, author: plumsuede aka theconservatory, schmoop, gus lives w/ brian and justin, brian bonds with gus, abandoned wip, far in the future, gus fic, author: bigboobedcanuck aka keira, gus is a teenager, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, brian has custody of gus, author: ebbj9891, post-513

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