Jul 28, 2015 23:41
I was wondering if there other Brian/Justin fics where the boys deal with one or the having cancer but NOT testicular cancer, which is too over done really. Established or just meeting is fine (since this wouldn't fit in the subject line) I prefer happy ending B/J cancer fics. There can be anti-mikey, or even anti-whoever elements too. Thanks!
Update: got some great recs that fit my request. But any more found are welcome very much.
brian's cancer returns,
justin moves back to pitts from nyc,
author: simon,
author: ragingpixie aka tinkerbell,
brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc),
death fic: major character,
justin supportive of brian,
author: callmeadreamer aka schemingstar,
author: sapphire aka sapphire3,
author: ellyrianna,
far in the future,
b/j in the hospital,
gus is a teenager,
cancer fic: brian,
author: ponga,
cancer fic: justin