Brian makes phone calls to his friends from Britin - Found!

Jan 12, 2014 00:57

I believe in this story Justin is in New York. At any rate Brian is missing him and his friends just don't understand. He makes phone calls from Britin to Michael and Lindsay and asks them if they are happy. Of course he's been drinking. This is only some of the story, I'm sure, and I know I'll kick myself when I find out what it is (I should remember these things!!!). I've checked the tags and can't even think of where to begin (need a 'Brian makes drunk phone call's' tag! LOL) Any help?


FOUND! And in only a few minutes! Jeezus you guys are fast. It's That Happy Feeling by Rizabeau. Of course.


author: rizabeau, justin does freelance art/ad work, b/j watch tv or movies, justin moves back to pitts from nyc, justin interns/works at brian's ad agncy, b/j go shopping, strong justin, b/j stay together during/post s5, b/j talk in bed, justin supportive of brian, anti-michael, b/j live at britin, justin living in nyc, kinnetik, b/j work together, anti-lindsay, post-513, b/j drunk or stoned

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