Need: "Queer as Grease" link; "Heartbreak Warfare" WIP update; BK/OMC story w/ JT return from NY

Jan 11, 2014 16:11

Hello again, everyone! Hope you’ve all had a happy 2014 so far! I’m still working on my list of recs (and probably will be until 2015 since I have so many!) and now have 3 requests:

1)     Is there a copy of “Queer as Grease” by Rhiannonhero anywhere online? The link I had for that story is now broken and I can’t find it anywhere else. I actually *do* have a PDF copy but I was wondering if it was anywhere online so I could include a link on my LJ. Even though (so far) I have a Word or PDF copy of every finished story I recommend I like to include a link for every story so people can quickly access it without waiting around for emails or PMs. I am more than willing to email the PDF version I have to someone at GIH to be posted on one of the sidebars if that would work, unless this author doesn’t want their work to be shared like that or at all. Let me know! Found thanks to chloris01! An online copy can be found using the wayback machine here:

2)     Does anyone know if Blissink’s story “Heartbreak Warfare” is an abandoned WIP? On her LJ I only see chapters 1-5 and there are no new posts after that. Any news on that story? As of 1/21/14 I still haven't heard anything, so I'm going to assume it's an abandoned WIP and will reference it as such when I rec this story on my LJ. If anyone knows anything different, let me know.

3)     I just read a short story about Justin coming back to Pittsburgh from New York to attend PIFA again. He finds out Brian has a boyfriend named Adam who is a photographer. Lindsay and Gus are back in Pittsburgh because she divorced Melanie. I literally *just* read this story (and have read it multiple times before) but I forgot to save it and now I forget what it was. I checked the tags for Brian/Other but couldn’t find the specific one I’m looking for. I’m going to keep searching because I should know what this one is, but I just can’t remember! Found thanks to slashluv18! It's "Homecoming" by Lady_Jane:

Thanks in advance for your help!

download: wayback link in comments, justin moves back to pitts from nyc, author: jane2005 aka lady_jane, high school/college, movie or tv tie-in but not cross-over, author: blissink, abandoned wip?, reunion fic: post-513, author: rhiannonhero aka rhihero_fic, mel & linds separate or w- others, pairing: brian/other

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