Hey everyone! This is my first time posting a request, so please let me know if I'm not doing this correctly. I'm searching for 2 very specific fics dealing with food (I've recently cut out all refined sugar from my diet and am now obsessed with food -- not just eating it, but reading about it apparently -- lol). I searched the tags for food, dinner, dessert, etc. but I couldn't find any such tags (except for one where B/J went out to dinner or something, which is not what I'm looking for).
I'm ashamed to say the *only* thing I recall about each story is the food scene. Here are some more specifics:
1) Justin is lying in bed one night at the loft and hears Brian rustling around in the kitchen. He hears him open the fridge and can tell that Brian's sneaking bites of some sort of pudding or pudding pie. He gets up and sees Brian eating the pudding with just his fingers -- he didn't even get cutlery because he didn't want Justin to hear him. I think Justin confronts him and makes fun of him, then eats some pie with him. Then it probably leads to sex, but that's just an educated guess on my part.
2) The second story includes a scene where Brian decides to make dinner for Justin (I can't remember why). I'm pretty sure it's lasagna he tries to make, but he doesn't cook the noodles all the way and he doesn't fry up the beef first (ugh). I'm sure there are additional reasons as to why the lasagna tastes so terrible, but I don't remember them. Justin is surprised when he finds Brian cooking and tries to eat the meal but spits it out. That's all I've got!
I would be very grateful if anyone knows which fics I'm talking about! Hopefully I didn't hallucinate these scenes and they actually *do* exist somewhere in the fandom -- haha! Thanks in advance! :)
* FOUND insanely fast by the amazing dothrakidancer! Both food scenes are from the same story "Spring Cleaning" by scoobysnacks:
http://scoobysnacksfix.livejournal.com/?skip=20&tag=spring%20cleaning. Thanks again!