Looking for an Autism fic and for super hero fics

May 07, 2013 21:58

Hi all,

I'd like some help finding;

1. The multi chapter fic where Justin is autistic, and he referred to Brian as Prince Prian. I checked the tags and couldn't find autistic.

2. super hero and/or Rage stories (which I haven't read).

The ones I've read are,

Wren - the Justin Rage stories
BC - Quest for Rage (hysterical crossover with the Avengers)
Lemon Bar - All the Rage (unfinished unfortunately)
RC McLachlan - Invincible stories where Justin is Solar Flare

Are there any other stories I missed ?
BTW I am not interested in genies, magicians, aliens etc. strictly super heroes/super powers

Thanks for any and all help !!

Update: Autism fic FOUND its Kiss Me Alright by CleverDevil (Posted on Midnight Whispers by jerksbitch).
Thanks! and thanks also to everyone who suggested new (to me) Rage/Superhero stories.

pairing: rage/jt, brian gets guardianship of justin, b/j are superheroes/have super pwrs, drabble series: told in 100-word bites, author: crazyfairy/crzyundedfairy/joanne, crossover: x-men, author: justinlovesart, anti-ethan, crossover: avengers, rage comic or movie, institutionalization, author: mclachlan, b/j go shopping, protective brian, b/j injured, b/j are neighbors, friendship: brian-emmett, author: mander3_swish, mpreg: pregnant justin, b/j go on a date, justin is autistic, author: cleverdevil aka jerksbitch, author: hrmheatherrenee, au, holiday: christmas, b/j in mental hospital, humor, author: bc, author: wouldbedorothy/aprilhope/ahs, deleted fic, blake

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