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bigdogz09 September 15 2012, 01:37:02 UTC
I wrote one in which the guys are broken up and then Brian finds out that Justin is missing. It's pretty angsty. It's called "A Light Shining Through The Darkness," and it's at Midnight Whispers.

Here's the link (I hope it works).



ktkatastr0phe September 15 2012, 02:12:34 UTC
Oh! New stories! Can't wait to check it out.


justsoqueer September 15 2012, 02:28:28 UTC
Ohhh!! Thank you! I haven't read it yet. *Is excited*
I promise feedback! ;)


bigdogz09 September 16 2012, 13:02:07 UTC
I should say that this is the typical kind of angtsy fic. It's got twists and turns and it very different from the 'they break-up and get back together' them.

It's feels weird to recommend my story. I keep thinking I should delete the suggesting entry.


justsoqueer September 16 2012, 15:34:45 UTC
Nooo! It's okay! And it's not as if you're shoving it down our throats or anything. Lol. You just leave the link there... ;)


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