Angsty recs

Sep 15, 2012 00:02

I know this is in no way an original request or anything, but I'm addicted to angsty fics and every few months I like to ask around for new or rediscovered fics to break my soul. A little. Or, you know, A LOT.
I can read about everything. Whichever season, happy ending, not ending up together, death!fic, kid!fic... I do have my favourites, however:

- First break up. During or after the Ethan arc. Like Mesa's fic? That's a perfect setting.
- Post 5x13 but not together.
- Brian getting older and freaking out.
- General breaking up.

Only requisite is for the fic to be rip-my heart-out-of-my-chest angsty. And not much OOC, pretty please! They can be WIP, just, not abandoned works, cause they make me so sad!

Thank you, guys!

FOUND!: There are already some links in the comments. But feel free to keep them coming my way! :))))

author: galeandrandy, hurt-comfort fic, author: dreamcatcher, bombing at babylon, mpreg pre-fic only, pairing: justin/other, novel length, b/j in a coma, kidnapped or missing, death: original character, reunion fic: post-513, gus dies, death fic: major character, justin hurt or down a well, b/j health scare or issue, author: q_dicted, death fic: minor character, brian hurt or down a well, justin living in nyc, author: rinmonsterer, abandoned wip, far in the future, justin runs away, author: blissink, b/j meet or reconnect as friends first, b/j break up temporarily, author: kiera81487, pairing: brian/other, ensemble fics, download: wayback link in comments, anti-ethan, s-5 (the author's way), angst, justin goes by a different name, author: bigdogz09, b/j injured, author: bdeviled, author: kachelofen, active wip, mpreg: pregnant justin, author: windtossed, b/j overdose, justin has meningitis, au, b/j in the hospital, author: cynical21, author: sfscarlet, author: sandra gia, b/j and that ol' cliff, pairing: justin/other w/ emo attachment, author: nightvision55, holiday: birthday, recs: personal rec lists, post-513, author: gaedhal

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