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camelhaircoat November 23 2009, 01:26:21 UTC
Try Reaper Boy by Wrenlet. It's under nanowrenlet at http://nanowrenlet/livejournal.com


vlredreign November 23 2009, 02:51:23 UTC
That's not a second chance fic, it's a death!fic. The poster doesn't want permanent death fics.


turtlegirl922 November 23 2009, 03:08:56 UTC
Thank you for posting this!!! Death!fics totally depress me. In my world these beautiful boys live forever!


vlredreign November 23 2009, 03:27:25 UTC
That fic ripped my gut apart. I read it once. I couldn't read it again. It's brilliantly written, but I couldn't take it.

Oh!!! This isn't an angel fic, but it is kind of a death and back to life fic. Actually, there are two. The second one is kinda final, but...it really is worth reading. I'll let you decide, but it's one of the few "death fics" that I will read more than once.

The first one is The Wish and the sequel Anything Goes, by Irina. They're available for download under the "DL Even More Fics" link. The second is Counting Blue Cars by mclachlan. Give this a shot, it's beautiful.


turtlegirl922 November 23 2009, 04:16:43 UTC
Thanks! I've read the two by Irina...but it's been a while. I'm thinking I need to reread them.

Maybe I'll give "Counting Blue Cars" a try...I'll have to psych myself up first. The summary makes it sound like Justin has been gone for a while, so maybe it'll be okay. I can't stand reading anything where Brian or Justin actually die as part of the story...way too hard to read.

I did read a fic recently where Justin had died that actually is very good. It's "Beyond All Reason" by connorblond. It was a little painful to read at first...but it really is a fabulous story. It's flocked, but Connor seems very fair about friending those who are truly interested. I highly recommend it if you haven't read it already. Here's a link to Connor's journal: http://connorblond.livejournal.com/

Thanks again!


turtlegirl922 November 23 2009, 04:18:56 UTC
Oh, I forgot to mention that "Beyond All Reason" is a WIP, but it is updated fairly frequently.


vlredreign November 23 2009, 04:29:56 UTC
I'll...think about it. lol

There's another mclachlan fic that sort of fits this. It's called Invincible, a Rage/JT story. Sort of. Justin becomes a real superhero. And dies. And comes back. Dude, it's Mclachlan, just read it. It has some graphics, even!! I remember reading this as a WIP.

She's one of the best writers we had in fandom. Everything is IC, written to within an inch of its life, and worth the read. Ask anyone that's been around for awhile. They'll back me on this. *glares around* They'd better. *g*


turtlegirl922 November 24 2009, 08:20:00 UTC
So...I read Counting Blue Cars. All I can say is that it should come with a kleenex warning. Man, I cried buckets. Good fic though.


vlredreign November 24 2009, 15:55:50 UTC
I'm glad you liked it. It is a beautiful fic, sad, but...kinda liberating at the end, I thought. I thought that Brian would be able to go on at the end, having proof that when it was his time, that Justin would be waiting.


camelhaircoat November 23 2009, 12:43:26 UTC
I did read the poster's request and it is a sort of a second chance fic, wherein B/J are together at the conclusion. And certainly Counting Blue Cars, while wonderful, is permanent in the end.


vlredreign November 23 2009, 17:05:08 UTC
Yeah, but I told her upfront that it was a death!fic of sorts. I try to warn for death/torture/rape in case people have triggers.


camelhaircoat November 23 2009, 21:07:58 UTC
I understand your POV. I actually re-read the ending this morning after our discussion to be sure that I had remembered it correctly and, although a death!fic, I thought it had a happy ending. Next time I will qualify my answer, though.


vlredreign November 23 2009, 21:12:48 UTC
No sweat, darling. I always try to warn for death!fic, because a lot of people really don't like them, even when well written. And with the other topics I mentioned, I see lots of conversations where people want to be warned about those things. So I make sure that I do that. Just something to think about. *g*


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