Looking for AU fics where either Brian or Justin is an Angel

Nov 22, 2009 16:32

Sounds bizarre, I know, but I was reading "Teen Angel" by Rena and got to wondering if there are other stories like this.

I'm looking for something where either Justin or Brian are an angel but get a chance to come back as a mortal human again. It doesn't matter to me if the story starts out with one of them as an angel or if they die during the story, just as long as they get a second chance at life by the end. Please, no permanent death fics...my heart can't handle the sadness. Happy endings only...

Hopefully someone out there has some links to share.

Oh, btw, here's the link to Rena's "Teen Angel" in case anyone's interested:


EDIT: Some stories found...links in comments. Would still love some more recommendations...Keep 'em comin'!

pairing: rage/jt, author: inner_justin aka nyrak20, scifi/fantasy/supernatural/mythology, b/j are superheroes/have super pwrs, author: connorblond, author: wrenlet aka wrenscribbles, au, haunted loft/britin/studio, author: rena aka liberty diner, author: mclachlan, justin is an angel, author: wren_kt7oz, author: xie_xie_xie, death fic: major character

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