Nov 04, 2007 20:01
it makes me want to cry. my kitty euphrates is so sensitive and nice. all he wants is to be friends with everyone and sleep and get pet and eat yummy food.. and occasionally kill things, but that only happened after leviathan influenced him >=( anyway that parts not the point, the point is he tries going up to other kitties to be friends and they just hiss and scratch and he walks away all sadly. and leviathan randomly sits on top of him while euphrates flails around like a fish out of water, then gets up and stares at him until euphrates slinks away sadly. and ginger or leviathan or johnny always steals his yummy happy food and he just backs away and lets them. its not their fault, its just because my baby is so passive. but i just want to hold and pet him forever because hes too nice for this world.