Paranoia Meme, mostly so I can laugh at other people's versions

Jun 05, 2007 23:42

1. You're on here because I'd feel stupid leaving you off. Do I need to say anything else? tachibanaism

2. I'm thinking of having you eat Atobe in the next chapter. iluvmygarden

3. If you gross Kippei out again, you will be destroyed. It's nothing personal. one_sh0t

4. I think that deep down, you're a scrub. ;) bigi_my_yoina

5. You should name a puppy after me. slobberymongrel

6. I think we're going to toilet paper your house at some point. gekidasadaze

7. I had a nightmare where you opened your eyes, and they had teeth. Your irises ate Tokyo. It was righteous. datapwns

8. I put a bucket of water over your door, but by the time you see this, it will be too late. pretteh_fuku

9. I'm training my monkey to poop on you. toasty_tezuka

10. I still support your dreams of incest. oshitari_kenya

Variation: Anyone can guess who's who, and I'll put there names beside their message if you get it right.
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