Oct 10, 2005 20:26
Hey everyone. So im officially a college student as of sept. 6th. Isnt that just fucking FANTASMIGORICAL.
now, fantasmigorical i got from Ellis, this really funny woman who I used to work with at George's Cleaners in Mansfield. For those who don't know, it got shut down last month. I was very upset to hear about it, for it was a very sucessful business, but they couldn't get the money for loans to start building the new place. The building was rotting and got shut down by the board of health. it just makes me despise chain stores even more. because now people will take their shit to Dry Clean Pro's or whatever.
Ara's birthday is the 16th of October. I cant wait till next weekend. Its nice to get out of Lowell. this town sucks.
Lowell is a dirty, poor, greasy, disgusting town. I see that it has a bit of potential in the arts, but we have to start getting nicer food joints, less crime, and more creativity! I may be renting a studio with this girl from my school. It would work out really well because the rent is very cheap. Not having a car is just pissing me off more and more everyday. First when our art professors expected us to have everything in like.. 2 days.. when i dont drive and the closest place is a 30 minute walk (keep in mind I work now, 15 hrs a week)... ill get into that more later... so anyway, if i need anything that i cant get on campus, im screwed.
My job is pretty shitty. I wake up to go to work from 8:30-9:30 where i am basically a stand-in for the secretary who is always late. She blames it on "the traffic" well you know what BITCH?!?!! leave EARLYYYYY, yeah, try it... So i do that and when she actually does show up, shes a hyperactive bitch and never shuts her god damn face. she always talks SO much that when she asks me a question I try and answer but she continues to talk and doesnt shut the fuck up. Then she asks me why im quiet. Well hmmmm, i wonder.
Then Tues, Weds, and Thurs I work from 3:30-6:30 with Dr. Cheney, the head of the Cultural studies department. I have been scanning various ancient film strips with a fancy Canon scanner in the media center. Im excited because im getting experience using the Mac computers. When im not scanning shit im making copies, doing errands, etc. for her. Shes a really sweet woman, and doesnt give me any bullshit so i like her. She always says thank you.
So here are my typical days at school:
7:30 wake up , shower, breakfast
8:30 arrive at work
9:30 leave work
then, depending on my class i either stay on south campus or take a bus to north campus.
10:00 arrive at my math class(Monday/Wed/Fri)
10:50 leave class, eat lunch
11:45 head to my next 3 hour class (or 4 hour if its friday)
3:00 get out of class and eat a late lunch thing
3:30 arrive at work
6:30 leave work, eat dinner
7:00 usually work out or come home
8:00 WORK ON HOMEWORK,.......................
i have no life. This is an official 13 hour day. This is what I do 4 days a week (at least).