Apr 26, 2008 09:27
I awoke early to resume paper-writing before Ely Falls activities commence at noon, but I feel it's necessary to do some awesome-dream documenting.
Beau and our friends and I were going on a bike trip. To Bosnia. I don't remember much along the way except we had to cross a lake in Florida, and the entire one-way trip only took 2.5 days. Once we got there, the only thing I can really remember is having our soc411 (social change in developing countries) instructor there--which was awesome because he's one of those cool graduate student instructors. We were talking about, well, social change in developing countries on the top floor of a 4-ish story building, when we noticed a lot of ruckus in the streets below. The Mexican army was invading, taking the streets with uniforms and rifles and things. I was freaking out, but cool graduate student instructor kept his bearings. So I packed up all my things (for some reason I had gobs of food, also dishes). Maureen Hanson was there, and I offered her some Nutty Bars because, for some reason, I knew she had had an affinity with Nutty Bars since childhood.
Much to all of your disappointment, I'm sure, I don't know how the story ends. Time to write!