[Khydann, Salyssa] OOC - living rooms!

Oct 13, 2008 12:31

yellowembers posted a list stolen from Keryn at the BMR website:

1. What does your character’s living room look like? (If they don’t have a stable home, describe an inn room that he or she has rented steadily.)
2. Does your character have any pets?
3. Does your character collect anything? Is that collection of any value to anyone other than them?
4. Does he or she have any “side” jobs or professions, other than their class and/or talent professions?
5. What would you find in his or her sofa cushions?

Answers for Khydann and Salyssa below. Also, I apologize for the lack of coherent communication recently - I have a "mild" case of bronchitis, and have been experiencing varying degrees of illness for the last week or so. :P

1. It's obviously a room used by busy people who spend long periods elsewhere. There's a work area, with tools for repairing and cleaning various things - weapons, armor, tools. Sheaves of herbs are hung from the roof supports, neatly bundled and labeled. A small cage containing a Zangarmarsh firefly sits between a securely locked storage chest and pile of unused bags and random gear. There are several comfortable cushions and rugs on the floor, and a firepit with a cooking hearth in the center of the room.
2. In fact - there's a lot of small containers with critters in them. A worg pup in a kennel with straw, next to a similar kennel containing a miniature elekk; perches for a pair of dragonlets and some exotic-looking birds; a series of clay terrariums holding several frogs; and a few cats roam freely around the tent. All of the animals' areas are clean, all of the animals have food and water available, all of the animals look healthy and happy.
3. Khy basically collects pets. Some of them might be valuable to other collectors, but she wouldn't part with them.
4. She's sworn to duty for the Horde, on a general basis, and has occasionally answered calls for military service; otherwise, no.
5. Bullet casings, bits of leather cord, feathers, scales, hair, strips of Netherweave bandages, chew toys, fragments of dried herbs.

1. A disaster. The workdesk is buried in scrolls, books, ink jars, and an amazing assortment of random junk. The light fixture in the ceiling is semi-covered by a cloth which has been raggedly tacked into place around it. There are ashtrays with the stubs of bloodthistle cigarettes in them everywhere, along with ash smears on everything. There's a few empty and half-empty food containers strewn about the place. In one corner is a covered parrot cage which shakes and swears regularly. The furniture is sparse, decorations nonexistent.
2. One black tabby prowls in and out of the apartment through a half-open window on a regular basis. A succubus is also loitering around the place, occasionally poking or hitting the parrot cage, obviously very bored.
3. Nope.
4. She's proficient in alchemy, although she doesn't practice it nowdays. She's also a very proficient scribe and researcher, which is her current job and source of income.
5. Bloodthistle cigarette butts, broken pen nibs, soul shards, various arcane residues, shreds of paper.

meme, salyssa, ooc, khydann

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