Travels around the Yucatan

Jan 16, 2008 15:57

We have been enjoying our beach vacation up to a point. Two nights ago was a large tropical storm. A night passed of torrential rains, windows banging. When the wind became vertical, we realized the windows, while shut, were not blocking the rain. In the morning, with the streets filled with water, and the weather still dark and cold, we hopped a bus for Merida. We are staying in a b and b 4 blocks from the main plaza. It is amazing how the outside street noise is left at the door of our b and b.
Puerto Morelos has been enjoyable. How can you not like a place filled with Tropical Mockingbirds, Musical Blackbirds, Parrots, Frigate Birds and Pelicans drifting about. The amount of development in the past 8 years is astonishing. We went to a time share presentation. I was curious as it is a huge development 3 miles out of town in a protected mangrove area, so it had been quite controversial, but went through. It is huge. It was started by a guy described as an ECOLOGIST. There is a large painting of him in the lobby with a purposeful resemblance to Earnest Hemingway. It is 2500 units with its own harbor. Big beds are by the pool where you can get a massage or just rest. Large restaurants. We had been told it was low key, no pressure to buy. The whole deal went well until we said we were not buying. Then our agent called her supervisor who began to tear into us, that we needed to open our minds. Dave stood up and said "Enough!" We still received our $100 for our time. On the ride back to town I told the other couple in the van that I had thought Dave and the agent would come to blows. Their experience was similar. The driver started laughing as if his opinion was not too high of the sales agents. NEVER AGAIN!!!
We plan to go to Rio Lagartos tomorrow. It is on the Gulf of Mexico in a nature reserve. The area is filled with Pink flamingos. Then back to the beach for about a week.
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