Candy ass vacation?

Jan 16, 2008 15:50

A friend of ours recently took the liberty to refer to our so called beach vacation as candy ass. I say, obviously, he is not up to speed on the mryaid of perils we encounter daily. We may be waking to luminous sunrises heralded by exotic song birds but on closer inspection the filmy cage of mosquito netting we peer through is protecting us from malaria, encephlitis, dengae, chagas disease.

Then there is the danger of pickpockets, short change artists and sellers of time shares. Such dangers keen the survival instincts. What could be worse than the slow death of the same vacation experience.
As we snorkel in incadescent tourquoise waters the tranquil scene is broken by overly curious baracuda and sting rays, smaller but of the same species that killed other great adventurers, including the Alligator Hunter.
The beach vacationer also must put up with the ridicule of young punks in low rider pants exhausting their entire English venacular consisting of 'a loo' and 'wazzz apening' on us.
As we jog the jungle pathways one must dodge the unmarked potholes and dangerous homemade topes. You get the feeling life is cheap here. Some say candy ass. Others say gritty.
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