Mar 23, 2017 12:32
So, I suppose I'm back, forcing myself to update this save file, even though there isn't much to say. Time is just going really slowly right now, as things begin to change. I think it's the same way, how when there's a big change coming in your life, you find yourself experiencing a slowed experience. The big change on the horizon is the advent of Spring, the coming to life that fills me with energy. I've gone jogging every day this week and have been feeling really good about it. Except yesterday, it rained on me and was just overall miserable. But I'll probably be going today, and it's supposed to be nice out, so there's that.
I don't really have any plans this weekend. Friday is my big focus, as I have to write an adventure that will take up two hours. I'd prefer Raff to run it, but he doesn't know where anything is, so I guess I'm doing it. I wanna do a big combat sequence. That should be fun. I need to actually create the character I'm using first.
After that, Saturday is a big event for my friend's wife, a baby shower. I haven't been to one of those since I was a little kid, but it does seem kind of odd to have a baby shower with the father's buddies. Like, shouldn't there be a guy's shower? Take the soon to be dad out for some beers and bbq? I think it hasn't really registered that I'm going to be an 'uncle' but they're already calling me that. I also wonder who the godfather is going to be, if anyone. Or Godmother. I don't know if they're doing that.
That being said, I've been a remote distant uncle for Matt's kid. 'Crazy uncle Petey' they call me. And I'm fine with that. I like being that crazy uncle Petey that sends snapchat rants to their kid on science and stuff. Whenever he sees me in person, he looks confused, like hey, why isn't that guy on a screen.
I'd be cool having a digital persona. Like, not having a body, just a digital form, and being able to send pure information. People say, but wait, what about the cool parts of having a body. I say fuck em, I can simulate them. I don't see anything lost there. I've already gone down the solipsist arguments pretty deeply, the Cartesian lunacy and clarity that states that I can be a separate entity entirely fed pure data. Why not be a pure mind, and be able to set the terms of my engagement?
Like, I can already pull up my experience with my computer that I am constantly tied to. I spend most of my time sitting here, in this chair, at my computer. Hell, I spend too much time sitting as it is, but that's kind of an American thing. I've been pondering taking more breaks, but that's what the spring is all about. Doing outdoorsy work. Walking. Wandering. Exploring. Being happy, free, sunburnt, and engaged in the world.
And that new life is coming, and I've been feeling really good about it. It's like the SAD is beginning to melt, this horrible ice age I threw myself into as there was nothing meeting my needs, nothing satisfying me. But now, there's access to all that. So even though I'm really dysmally depressed about the state of things in our country and how it's literally turning into scary plutocratic fascism, I feel decent overall. I can confront those things without wanting to stay in bed all day. I mean, I do tend to stay in bed a lot, as I wfh and can just put my laptop next to me and work from bed, but that's different. Very often there's the cat involved, and him wanting cuddles is just such a treat. A good way to start the day- cradling a purring cat that wants nothing more than to just be held by you and make a happy rumbling.
I need to work on my diet, too. Drink fewer beers. Eat more veggies. I already eat a ton of fruit, but I'm not a big fan of veggies. Less processed meat would be good too. And increase my running distance. I'm going to try to get a 5 mile run in Saturday, and that'll be good for my body, a reminder of what's to come, a reminder of what I'm capable of. A reminder of what I was made to do, to run, to jog, to enjoy the outdoors in a pair of gym shorts and a ratty t-shirt, my face flushed and sweaty, my heart pumping, my brain on fire from all the oxygen it's getting.
I can't wait for that freedom, that weight loss, that exercise, that feeling of pride in my body- that hey, yes, I can run 10 miles. Running a half marathon for fun. I miss doing that, the waterfront jogs that would amount to probably 14 miles in all, 14 miles of zen thoughts and beauty, of people watching and dogs. God. That can't come soon enough, as good weather unlocks everything I love about my life and my house. I spend a lot of time shoveling stuff for the garden. Walking down to the park to photograph bugs. Running down to the waterfront. Grilling in the backyard with a cold beer and a plate full of brats and kebabs. Pure. Heaven.
Spring, come soon. I need you. You are how I become a healthy, happy person.
Germboy, out/Peace.