Dec 20, 2016 10:20
Work always slows to a snail's pace during the Christmas season, so I've been bored. But that's fine, gives me a lot of time to decompress and think about things- where my career's going, where the world is going, etc.
The president elect has me concerned about the country. If Clinton had won, I'd know that the country was on a fairly stable path, and I'd be willing to take more risks, like quitting my job and taking a part time or less paying job so I can have just a more relaxing life, and focus on writing or some sort of neat side project, maybe traveling more. Living a more European life. Plus, with healthcare moving in a kinder direction, I'd have that off my mind. But instead, it's gone fascist and fast.
So I'm sort of faced with this lean mentality, where I have to anticipate bad things happening, the economy going to shit, and everything falling apart. I just bought a fucking house, so that's something I want to make sure I keep, but there's also other aspects. My city, my home town, was just beginning to boom, and now that's threatened. It was really expanding and gentrifying, but I don't want to see all these new hotels and new building projects go to shit for no reason save that one beast is operating a country to further his business.
I'm still aghast at people who voted for him, but I think a lot of them are realizing how badly the fucked up. How absolutely badly they fucked this up. This is the worst thing that could have happened. Anyone else would have at least been... reasonable. Except for Carson, or Palin. But there were some actual politicians who have the ability to run the country, keep WW3 from happening, and keep the economy from tanking.
Meanwhile, the amount of hate this country is facing is just insane. Every day I stare more and more into the void and see this circle jerk of lies and bullshit feeding racists- empowering them to do awful things. It's like I'm being made to stare into the evil timeline, but it's reality. It drives me to want to drink, and that I think is the one industry that will not suffer in this time- alcohol always does great in totalitarian society, as it numbs the mind. But I'm trying to be sober, to have both eyes open, so that I can stand up and speak out against this bullshit. So that, when I'm older, I can say I stood against the new Nazi movement, I wasn't a coward. I'm afraid, but I won't shut up. I'll keep speaking out against this blatant racism and fascism, because I believe America is better than this.
What else... Not much. Christmas is coming soon. No real plans, ironically the parties I'm looking forward to are before and after Christmas. Christmas itself will probably just be a low key hang out at my parents, watching a movie and chilling.
I've also been really sick lately, and Anique has it too. It's this nasty fucking hacking cough, which is dry and painful, and really just the worst. I've lost the ability to exercise as much as I'd like, so I don't even want to think about stepping on a scale. That being said, I think I'll try to jog a few miles today- something low key to at least get some cardio in. Still, I've been low key sick for the past few weeks, as I got a cold Anique had, then got this, so it's just been a cavalcade of illness that just sucks all kinds of ass. But I guess that's also a feature of the Winter seasons, illness. I think I'm out of the contagious phase, but it still sucks.
I do think a lot about being sick, though- the immune system is doing it's job and obviously working hard. I wonder what other body systems it affects. Neurally, I know there's definitely an impact, as my mind just doesn't want to work nearly as hard. I'm also getting my ass handed to me by SAD, so I'm tired as fuck all the time. I have the luxury of working from home, and when I can wake up, clear my priority items from my inbox, then cuddle with the cat while waiting for more to come, I find drifting off becomes a very quick option- a warm bed, a warm cat, sleep. Of course, that's needed as I keep on waking up in the middle of the night to cough. Also heard a possible gunshot last night, although looking at the neighborhood watch groups, I suspect it was actually a car getting broken into. Maybe using the battery trick, I don't know what it sounds like but I assume like a gunshot.
Anyway, I'd better go do other things.
Germboy, out/Peace.