This entry is truly insightful. I agree with everything that you said in this entry, and its so sad whenever we go through a time in our life, and you come to find that a person who was once there for you has 'served their purpose' and are no longer there anymore. Sometimes whenever something happens to us, we end up learning who are true friends are - those who were there for us through some of the best and worst times of our lives.
Then there are some friendships that you believe would last a lifetime, yet something happens and your relationship with them is never the same and can never be the same again. And sometimes, we lose someone - like you said: "Sometimes they pass away. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they do wrong and force you to take a stand", and as a result, they may be out of our lives forever.
But when we go through something like that, sometimes its just better to move on than to continue lingering on what happened and/or what could've happened; because if we don't, we will forever be stuck in our pasts and we can't move forward. I also believe that every person we encounter in our lives have a purpose for being there and will change our lives - for better or worse, however big or small a part - in one way or another, whether we like it or not.
Everything happens for a reason.
- Germaine