Oh dear (Claire Short says the UK has spied on Kofi Annan)
Oh dear (the President of Macedonia, a sensible person in a turbulent region, has died in a plane crash)
Oh dear (house prices have risen by yet another 3%)
Oh dear (the US has said it may not free people from Camp Delta even if, with the odds stacked against them, they're found innocent)
Oh dear (we've started pilots of a tacky, demeaning and expensive ordeal to be imposed on everyone seeking UK citizenship)
Oh dear (oral sex might cause mouth cancer)
Oh dear (Abbey National, whom I bank with, has made a huge loss for the second year running)
Oh dear (Haiti has turned to poo)
On the other hand,
yay (Howard's sacked Ann Winterton for making tasteless jokes) and
yay (we're the most secular nation in a recent survey).
Could I please have some more good news? Preferably something more substantial than kittens being rescued from wells.