
Feb 19, 2008 18:23

AAARGH! I'm in the shop and I'm feeling sick probably because I ate something wrong today and feel nauseous and I'm so sleepy that all someone has to do is point me to a horizontal surface somewhere and I'll fall dead asleep and I really just want to get home.

But I have assignment and stuff to study for tomorrow.

But at this rate, I think I'll just ignore everything till tomorrow morning and rush it because I really, really want a bed.

Nodame Cantabile, you're terribly evil. T___T butbut, I forgive you because of sp2. sp2 was so much KYAAOMG. >////< MUST WATCH AGAIN.

I have to attend the Mentoring Malaysia school mobilization thing tomorrow and I have a feeling I'd be like a zombie for the most of it. And then I'd be dropped as a volunteer because I couldn't work well tomorrow and then... and then... Well, I guess I can still help out if they need. =/ I mean, I'm not even sure if I can do this and whether I can handle the high commitment that comes along with it. What kinda positive role model will I be anyway? A BL-reading animanga fangirl who sees wrong everywhere and have no sense of priority. Also, hates revising for exams and have had no problems breaking minor rules in high school, and even once talked back to a teacher over an extremely stupid thing (do not ask. It was that dumb). I'm certainly not someone I would have picked as a positive role model for my hypothetical child. =/

oh well.


also, yes, last post was deleted for .. reasons. If you never saw it, it was never there, okay? If you saw it, pretend you didn't. I'm sorry for that

mentoring malaysia, nodame cantabile, rl

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