Orientation Day 1-2, Reborn and other stuff

Aug 23, 2007 20:06

Got hooked on a shounen manga! Due to priestnobaka's incessant pimping of the series, I caved and finally read some... and then some more... and then more and now I'm hooked! >.< Tsuna has taken over the position of the Protagonist Who Dies Most Often in my manga/anime experience. xD I kinda feel bad for him sometimes... Gokudera is adorable~ So is Dino~ So is Dino's pet. And I really wanna see Reborn +10yrs~!

SO, it is my duty to spread the series now which is why there'll be a list below this sentence on REASONS YOU SHOULD READ/WATCH REBORN:

1) Main character dies every chapter. Really.
- Corollary 1: He dies and then he streaks everywhere to perform his last regrets!
3) Everyone's crazy except for the main character!
4) It's also rather gay
5) BECAUSE I SAID SO and have I ever led anyone wrong? *__*

In other news, today's the second day of my uni's orientation. Yesterday, we were given motivational speeches, welcome speeches, introduction to the course, expectations and stuff. Today, we were taken on a tour around the campus and surrounding area. Unfortunately, my internal compass is still out of service so I expect to get lost even after this. -_-; THERE'S COFFEE~ ♥ And everyone's really nice. Really, really nice (that is kinda scary when I reflect on it. @_@). I'm probably going to take the lrt/bus there since parking space is so limited. Contrary to my earlier assessment, I did make some friends. Uh. I guess that means I'm not as hopeless as I believed?

Tomorrow's Meet The Seniors Day. From what I've seen so far, I guess they'll be a pleasant bunch. ^^
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