Dec 10, 2009 21:04
Hey all,
Been really busy over the past couple of weeks. What with 43 recruits and 21 credits to take care of, I have my fair share of things to do. I'm rarely in my room, often out taking care of things such as research for all my courses. I finally found a moment where I have some extra time to write in the ol' livejournal.
It's nice to stay busy though, I must admit. I take a bit of pride in it, really. On top of the school work, the Navy has tasked me out to be one of the higher ups on the Dining In Committee, meaning I get to deal closely with our Battalion Gunnery Sergeant (oh joy) regarding our progress. Essentially I get bitched out if my subordinates don't do as the Gunny's timeline says it should. Yay. I also put together a nasty little STD briefing for the Battalion for our final Mil Lab. Presenting that was actually pretty fun, if a bit awkward. Hey, Lieutenant Mariano said "Shock Factor" so...I made sure the pictures would, well, shock the audience. I doubt if ANYone is gonna have sex over break after my little briefing haha.
Other than that, I'm just trying to survive long enough to get home. Gotta help Jill move into her new house the night I leave for home, then I'm back in Mass for a while to work and relax with the family. This has been a hell of a semester, and it'll be good to start anew in January.
I decided I love Penningtons classes, and I need to take more of them. Craig and I FINALLY got our coveted "Bad-Ass Historian" coffee mugs fro kicking ass as the Soviet Union in her class today. The research paper is coming together nicely, and all events papers are done. I must remember to retake those map quizzes and website evaluations, as well as get the finished product of a research paper into her by Wednesday.
The recruits are doing well. Lotta memories had with them so far, and it's only going to get better. I can't help noticing (due to the fact that I'm mainly being told, though I realize it as well) that my platoon has some of (if not THE) best looking kids in it. They march well, they behave well...I see so many other platoons and their kids look like shit. It's clear it's because of the cadre. The other cadre smoke and joke with them so much, that the kids are terrible. I see a clear change from 3rd deck and 4th deck to when I get up to my deck. The other kids eye-rape the hell out of me and I don't even go onto their deck. I go on mine, and my kids don't look, they just call hall at ease. I hope they get some sort of ribbon or something, they deserve it. It sure will be nice when they can hang out with us after full recognition. A lot of the mare good kids, and they'll be fun to hang around with.
As for now, I need to get back to other work. Pool PT in the morning with the Navy should be a joy. YUT!