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Mar 01, 2012 02:00

I took up draycevixen's challenge and am doing this:

Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. Then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favourite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

She gave me MFU and NCIS and told me to pick a third so... um. Chronicles of Amber. (because it is books and not TV, because it is is close to my heart, because it is a fandom I rarely talk about)

First, MFU.
1) I fell into this fandom because I loved the show as a child and as a teenager and had no idea until I found fanfic online that I wasn't alone in my adoration of Illya and Napoleon. Wow, was I amazed!

2) Pretty sure I am here to stay. I don't love something all my life just to stop one day. And our boys do inspire so many words on the page for me, it's too much fun writing them to stop now.

3) I have many favourite moments in the series (Napoleon swivelling to follow the girl out at Marion's party, Illya in the helicoptor not wanting to miss lunch, our boys on the bridge when Napoleon looks over his shoulder at Illya, Illya leaning up to whisper in Napoleon's ear and we never know what he said during the gawdawful fashion episode, every painful moment of Gurnius because I have SO MUCH head!canon for that episode) but my favourite episodes are Iowa Scuba, Bow-Wow, and Yukon. My favourite movie is The Spy With My Face.

4) I write fanfic for MFU. Not as much as some and I don't advertise it, I write it because I can and it feels good and it works for me. I find that it helps me work out my issues and so I suppose it is my own sort of therapy.

5) Not particularly. I love to share what I love and will happily show episodes to friends that ask and I post all my stories in my journal and some of them are up at an archive, but I am not sure it's a fandom for just everyone. You gotta really like retro and the 60s and hawt guys in suits and the occasional bizarro costume/undercover choice. (SRSLY, blond dood as mexican/chinese/yeti? Srsly? and honestly, if I never see RV as that accountant again, totally happy me. The man should NEVER part his hair in the center. Come to think of it, no man should do that, not and get taken seriously ever again.)

1) I was a JAG fan but didn't get into NCIS right away because by the time NCIS arrived I had drifted away from JAG and was working when it was on and had no way to tape it so missed it all the time. When I finally got caught up and found NCIS I was hooked WAY more on NCIS than I ever was on JAG. I blame Mark and David and Pauly. *grin*

2) oh, I'm staying! Mark Harmon, David McCallum, Pauly Perrette oh my! What's not to love?

3) Holy hell, I can't even begin. The episode where Abby is being stalked by her ex. The episode where we meet Jackson Gibbs. Every moment where Gibbs kisses Abby's cheek, they use sign language, where Ducky is handsome and clever and tells unending stories, where Abby hugs Gibbs and he hugs her back.

4) I read fanfic. I have crossed NCIS with MFU and written fanfic. The fact of the matter is that I only write fanfic because of a crossover fanfic I wrote where Ducky really is Illya. So if it weren't for a long drive one Winter when I had no radio to listen to and so I entertained myself with a game of 'What if', I never would have written MFU at all.

5) Oh Hells Yeah. Comedy, Drama, Family Squabbles, Mysterious History, Unrequited Everything, Police Procedural, Good Soundtrack, Hawt Actors Being Hawt, ALL GOOD ALLA TIME!

Chronicles of Amber
1) I was very ill when I was thirteen and my step-sister handed me the first Chronicles to read and I was hooked. When the second set started to be published I was so excited, I think those were the first hardbacks I ever bought for myself.

2) I won't ever not be a fangirl for Zelazny his work, especially the Chronicles of Amber. I read them so often that as a teenager I dreamed about Amber and Shadow. I have a tattoo. Dood. So Not Leaving.

3) Ai! Hard to choose. I prefer the First Chronicles, Corwin is my man. I love the description Corwin gives of himself dressed in the orderly's whites when he escapes the hospital at the very beginning of the first book. And I love the description of his creation of the new Pattern.

4) I do not. The Chronicles are a very personal and meaningful experience for me and frankly, I have too much head!canon to be able to act rationally when others just don't get it. In High School I knew a (rather crazy) girl who also liked the books and we wrote half of a story together while we awaited the next book to be published in the second chronicles. It is destined to remain unfinished as she (is crazy) has long since disappeared off the planet (finally found a way to walk Shadow maybe) and the next book took the story way far away from what we expected so the story is void by canon.

5) I love the books and want EVERYone to love them, but in all honesty, I know I cannot be normal where they are concerned so best if you just tell me you love them and leave it at that. If you hate them, don't tell me because I will cry and try to convince you to love them like the damn bible thumper I once was. (Dood, I'm telling you, NOT RATIONAL where this work is concerned.)

ncis, authors i love, amber, crazytrain, fandom, writing, mfu

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