DOOD! Have y'all seen this??? Dear All My Favourite Writers:
Above is the most hysterical example ever of what NOT to EVAR do if you want to be seen as a 'real' writer. SRSLY!
TrainWreck Happening!
(and yes, I laughed my ass off from the first mention of the title of the book right to the last 'comments discontinued'.)
Ok, First, I thought the whole thing was an elaborate joke if only because who in their correct fucking mind gives a book that title and expects to be taken seriously? Ok, I know I have the sense of humour of a 14 year old boy, but holychristonnacracker, people, THAT TITLE?!?!?!!!! Really for reals???
Extra Bonus Points if you comment correctly using hypnotically and supreme balance.
Napoleon watched as Illya hypnotically unpacked his shaving kit with care and supreme balance...
You have to read the first several comments of the review to get the funny there, DOOD SO TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!