Home Safe Both Directions

Jan 03, 2010 02:18

Ah... back to my beloved cable fed intarwebs, what bliss.

So my goal to write 250 words a day is kinda fucked when I am away from my keyboard, and wayyy too lazy to count manually how many words are on a handwritten page, so I decided to write two pages front and back per day while I was gone, I figured that would suffice and get some of my ideas for my VenkaDragon story at least out of my head where I can mess about with them. And then I wrote el zilch-ola on my Dragon story. And here is why: I couldn't find a book on tape to listen to on the four hour car trip home. I have books on tape, lots of them. Think I could find one Tuesday morning before leaving? Fuck no. So since I was driving along with nothing better to do, I composed fanfic in my head. Specifically NCIS/Man from UNCLE crossover fanfic. (because how can I NOT go there?) So instead of some character sketches on the Dragon story as I was planning, I have fifteen handwritten pages (front AND back) of NCIS/UNCLE and not a single godsdammed bit of romance to be seen. Grr!Arrg. I ran my ballpoint pen dry. I have no idea if there will be Gibbs/Abby or Illya/Napoleon at ALL (dammit) and I am not even sure who the fuck is the bad guy. Dammit! Also, I remember now why I don't write longhand anymore. It fucking HURTS.

But hey! I haven't written anything for years, (seriously, YEARS!) so the fact that I currently have two works in progress is a good thing. Right?

The fact that I have never written fanfic shouldn't stop me being happy about writing, yes? (oh, ok, back before fanfic was an acceptable word, I wrote forever unfinished stories in the Star Trek and Raiders of the Lost Ark universes. It doesn't count though. I am sure it doesn't.

Very briefly there was a moment where my backseat was occupied by my dead, but I told them I wasn't at a good commercial breaking spot, so no visitations this trip. And that is ok, too.

More later when I am not 117 items behind on my email(and that is only one of my email addresses) and even more behind on the LJ reading. Oh Dear Gods!

dear gods shoot me now!

Good Thangs to write about later:
visit home
dinner with friends
"the Brothers"
phone calls from loved ones

too tired now...

afteryule, fanfic, resolved, wtfery, writing

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