Latest LJDrama

Mar 19, 2008 00:00

so the newest decree from on LJhigh has panties inna twist all over da webz because how dare LJ's new pwners make decisions and stuff...

I am NOT saying I like the changes.

I am not saying I would still plan to buy a permanent account, though I will mention here that I had planned to until the last round of LJpwner stoopid which changed my mind for me.

But what the hell is the point of a Writer's Strike on LJ?! Yes I KNOW it is the principle of the thing, I KNOW they think they will "send a message" ...

Unless you can take a chunk of change outta the pwners pockets (as the Entertainment Writer's did with THEIR strike) the only point being made here is that LJers are a buncha whiney children. The owners of LJ are NOT making money off the words I type here, they are not losing money if I DON'T write here. They already have my yearly twentyfive bucks, an extra ten for more pretty icons, a dollar here and there for a virtual gift or something dumb like that. They have it, I can't get it back and there is no way I can COST them anything. Now then, were I to move my journal somewhere else, not renew my paid status, that would cost them. A whole $35 and change... In August when my account expires. BFD, right? But I like LJ. I don't want to move my damn journal. I don't want to look at damn ads. So I pays my money and I takes my chances.

The new owners are not obligated to keep LJ as it ever was. And they want a return on their investment. I understand how that works. This is NOT the Socialist Republic of LJ with Free Journal For Everybody. It is a capitalist scheme to make some bucks, man.

I don't have to like it. Neither does anybody else.

We can choose to stay with the new regime or bug out on the next helo off the roof. But I don't think a Writer's Strike on LJ for one day is going to make that much difference to our new pwnerlords, srsly.


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