Interview questions

May 11, 2005 09:49

pigeongirl99 did an interview meme, where she interviews me for five questions. So here's my answers:

1. When and how did you first discover fanfic/fandom/slash?

I think some part of me has always been dimmly aware of 'fanfiction' and even slash fanfiction. I suppose it stemmed from knowing that people created fansizes of Spock and Kirkand sold and traded them at conventions. It wasn't until I really got online though, that I really realized that there was such thing as "fandom" or even a lot of other people who wrote fanfics. I believe I was looking for information on Trip and Malcolm from Enterprise when I stumbled across some fanfiction. This was probably in 2001 or 2002 sometime, so I suppose that was really when it first happened.

2. What is your greatest ambition, the one thing you simply must manage in your lifetime?

I suppose this is a poor answer, as many would say something tangible like "learn Japanese" or "visit Sweden" but really, I'd just like to be happy -- truly happy. It doesn't have to be with someone, or in love, or anything like that. I'd just like to get to a point where I'm happy and satisified with who I am, where I am in life, how I'm living and everything. I suppose all the schooling and working I've done all my life is just preparing me for that end goal -- happiness, so it's not too out of reach.

3. Are there any common themes/traits that all your favourite characters (especially the one you write) share?

I think so, in some extent. Granted, I don't write a lot, but I can generally find similarites of some sort in all the fandoms I'm interested in. George Harrison and Smallville's Clark Kent, for instance, are both naive at times and quizzical about the world. They're both very strong people but they have a brillant innocence about them. The same sort of parallels might be drawn from John and Lex . . . both have their beautiful, lovely and friendly side and both have a darker side that is surprising and ruthless. I wouldn't say that George is to Clark as Lex is to John but I definitely think there are similarities. Sam Beckett has that same sort of innocent wonder and Al Calavicci is definitely more caustic and brutual but in a loving way.

4. To what extent does your on-line life cross-over into your real, everyday life?

Not at all, really. I think about my stories or the stories I've read, etc. throughout the workday, frequently. I've been known to walk through the park and get fic inspiration from a real-life event but I don't discuss my online interests with any co-workers and my real life friends who know I write fiction and not only not interested, they're rather disturbed by the concept. Most of them don't care for the fandoms in question, and if they do I usually get cries of, "But you can't make the Beatles gay!" or so. I learned a while ago just to not mention it to my friends.

5. What do you love and hate the most in the fanfics you read?

I love when I read a fic and I feel that the characterisations are spot on. Generally if the characterisations are on then the setting can be absurd and I'll enjoy it. Set the story on Mars and I'll buy it providing there is some quality writing and good characterisation. Have John turn into a simpering baby who rapes Paul for no reason and I won't enjoy it. So I suppose that's both what I love and hate in fanfiction. I love characterisation when it's done well and I hate when it's forgotten/neglected/ignored.
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