I Love This Bar 1 of 1

Aug 01, 2008 14:55

Title- I love This Bar
Author- Kimberly
Pairing- George/Alex
Summary- Prompt #1: Alex wasn't in the original Grey's script. What if Alex didn't work at Seattle Grace? How would he and George meet? This is my take on that and it's a little different, at least in my opinion.

I Love This Bar

Alex smiled as he finished storing all the beer in the cooler. This wasn’t where he had seen himself when he had entered medical school, but it was where he had wound up. He had followed his pregnant girlfriend here to Seattle. She had died of complications during childbirth, but he still had one beautiful infant to show for it. Granted, none of this was how he pictured his life. Quitting medical school, living above a bar, across the street from a hospital, not how he imagined it at all.

He rubbed a hand over his tired face and sighed. Annie was asleep in her car seat. He had to get the stock put away since Joe had yet to come in for the day, he was running a little late. Alex was his extra pair of hands around the bar as he tried to find a way to go back to school to finish his degree. He wasn’t sure how he would ever do it, but he wanted to, for his daughter.

Some people thought he should have just stayed in medical school and not followed his girlfriend at the time. He knew he didn’t love her, but he was not going to just give up on his child or settle for seeing her a few times a year. He had promised himself he would be a better father then his own, and that was why he had put his future on hold. He had never imagined her passing away from complications during the birth though. That was something that had not been apart of his plan.

He smiled seeing that Annie was still asleep. He gently picked up her car seat and headed upstairs, to their room. It was small, but Joe let him stay above the bar without paying any rent, which was helpful at the price of diapers and formula. There was a small kitchen, a sofa, a TV the crib, the swing and Alex’s bed and a dresser that the two of them shared. It was the best he could do for now. One day he hoped he would be able to get them a two bedroom apartment and decorate Annie’s room.

He gently removed her from her car seat, trying not to unsettle her. He placed her in her crib and tucked the blanket around her. He was exhausted already and it seemed as if the day was just starting, but being a parent seemed to do that to a person. Alex flopped down onto his bed and covered his face with his hands. There wasn’t anything else he could do right now, besides have this life until he could figure out the next step.

George sighed as he walked out of the hospital. Today had been a hard day. He had lost one too many patients then he had wanted too. You never wanted to lose any, but losing two in the same day made it that much worse. He had been planning on going straight home, but after his day, he needed a beer. He headed across the street to the bar.

He walked inside and was so glad to see the place rather empty, but it wasn’t the usual bar tender at the bar. He sighed and made his way over to one of the stools, sitting down and dropping his bag down in front of him. He grabbed a handful of peanuts and began to crack the shells, popping them into his mouth.

Alex sighed as he saw he had a new customer sitting at the bar. It wasn’t busy, but Joe wasn’t coming in as his boyfriend at the flu. Annie had been fussy all afternoon and he wasn’t quite sure what was wrong with her. He had drug her swing down stairs and put it in the office, free from the smoke, and he had the baby monitor right next to him and he was checking on her ever chance he got. It most certainly wasn’t an ideal situation, but it was what he had to do. “What can I get for you?” he asked the man at the bar.

“I’ll just a Bud, tap and keep them coming,” George instructed. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he watched the bar tender get his drink. He needed that drink, badly. Alex set the mug down in front of his customer and sighed as he heard the baby crying. “Thanks. Is that a baby?”

“Welcome. And don’t worry about it, I have it under control,” Alex assured him. It was none of this guys business if he was hearing a baby or not. Alex had her away from the smoke and away from the drunks in case they got out of hand.

He snatched the baby monitor from the bar and headed into the office, closing the door behind him. He sighed, Annie was all red and screaming her head off. She hadn’t been crying for long, but she was as red as he had ever seen her. Alex went over to her and gently scooped her into his arms, placing a hand to her face. She was burning up. Now what did he do? He wasn’t completely sure. He should have paid more attention in the little bit of pediatrics he had taken. He sighed and gently bounced Annie in his arms. “Daddy has to figure out what to do little one, then he can help you,” he promised her.

He continued to hold her close to him. The customers could wait. His daughter was more important to him than anything else. He turned around when he heard the music float into the office, upsetting the baby more. What jerk off was bothering him? He turned around and saw it was the little dumbass he had just served before coming in here. “Look man, I’m a little busy with my kid right now, but I will be out to help you in a moment,” Alex hissed at him as he held Annie close to him, which wasn’t helping at all.

“I wasn’t coming to bother you. I was going to suggest we take her across the street to the hospital. I heard that Joe has the flu or something and she was probably exposed at some point and a flu for a baby that young could be deathly,” he explained to the man who was holding his crying daughter.

Alex sighed, why hadn’t he thought of that? He had gone to medical school and of course Joe was a carrier of the flu. He had been feeding Annie last night and Alex hadn’t thought twice about it. He nodded his head, going over to the hospital was the best idea, but what was he going to do with the bar? He supposed he would have to shut her down and hoped Joe understood. “I need to go get her diaper bag,” Alex stated, trying to think of everything he needed to do before they could leave.

George held his hands out, offering to take the baby off him. He would go get the diaper bag, but he didn’t see it in the office, meaning it was probably somewhere else and he wouldn’t be able to find it. “I can hold her while you get everything you need and do what you need to do,” George explained to him.

Alex never thought he would just hand his child over to some stranger, but he had no choice right now. He couldn’t race around and get everything taken care of with a screaming baby in his arms. “Just say in here with her and I will come get you two when I get things taken care of,” he said before speeding out of the office, shutting the door behind him.

Alex quickly shut down the bar, yelling out that he had some personal matters to take care of and that everything they had yet to pay for was free of charge, which caused large amounts of money to be left on the tables as tips. As people were filing outside, he took the opportunity to run upstairs and grab the diaper bag and a few bottles from the fridge, not knowing what he would need once they got to the hospital.

He opened the door to the office and saw that Annie had calmed down. “Lets head over there,” Alex said softly.

George nodded his head and walked out of the office. “I’m George, by the way. I’m an intern over at the hospital,” he explained.

“I’m Alex, this is my ten month old daughter Annie,” he said as they walked across the street. They went in through the ER and George went ahead in, without any questions being asked. Alex just followed unsure of what to do.

A minute or so later, they were in an exam room and George had left to go get a few things. “Don’t worry Annie, you’re going to be alright,” Alex said rubbing her stomach, trying to calm her down. It was obvious she hadn’t been feeling well, he should have been paying better attention to her instead of trying to run the bar.

George came into the room a few minutes later, his stethoscope hanging around his neck and his lab coat on. He went over to the bed and smiled at the baby. “I’m going to run the test for the flu and have the nurse come in and start an IV so we can give this sweet girl some fluids, alright?”

Alex nodded his head. That was the course of action they needed to take, along with treating her fever until they knew for sure what was going on with the little girl who was the light of his life. “Yeah, and treat her fever,” he whispered not looking up from her.
Six Years Later

George smiled as he saw the school bus pull up at the corner. It had been Annie’s first day of school and Alex had dropped her off that morning, George was home to get her off the bus that afternoon. He watched as the little girl ran towards him, her pig tails bouncing. “Hi Daddy!”

“Hi Annie. How was your day at school?” George questioned picking her up and carrying her towards the house, he couldn’t wait to hear all about it.

“I loved it Daddy! Papa was right,” she smiled hugging him tight. “But I missed you.”

“I missed you too. Now we need to get changed so we can go to Daddy’s graduation.”

“Right, Papa be a doctor now,” she said nodding her head and kicking her legs so he would let her down.

“Right,” George laughed setting her down and watching her run upstairs to put on the dress he had ironed a few minutes ago. It hadn’t been a short road, or an easy road, but they finally made it here. And Alex, he was going to finally graduate with his medical degree.

gex-fest, george, fic

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