(no subject)

Jun 06, 2011 18:28

 Title: 100 Things about George and Alex
Pairing: George/Alex
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Note: Prompts 21-25
Summary: The lives of George and Alex only get more complicated the more you know about them.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Grey’s Anatomy, George O’Malley, or Alex Karev. I’m simply borrowing them to have some fun.

021 Busy

As surgeons, both Alex and George are extremely busy-with surgeries, with paperwork, with saving lives. No matter how busy they get, however, they try to find a quiet moment for themselves. Even if it has to happen in the middle of a supply closet.

022 Calm

The ER is pure chaos; a bus accident has sent a flood of injured into Seattle Grace. Everyone is on edge, Alex knows-he’s yelled at four interns and it’s not even 10:00 AM. George, however, seems to be completely in his element, calmly moving from patient to patient, stitching them up and smiling the whole time.

023 Cautious

It’s in George’s nature to be a little hesitant. He has never shown much confidence in himself, so when Alex shows an interest in him, he proceeds slowly, because if it all turns out to be one cruel joke and he’s the butt of it all, he’ll never trust anyone again.

024 Cheerful

It’s hard to be cheerful when you’re a surgeon. People die, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. For Alex, whenever a patient dies under his knife, he folds in on himself, turning the guilt inward. George knows this and goes out of his way to do something good for his boyfriend.

025 Cold

“Geez, watch the hands!” George yelps as Alex prods his torso. They’re demonstrating abdominal exams for the newest batch of interns, and Alex’s hands are like ice. Alex grins slyly and leans in closely. “What are you going to do about them?”
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