Title: 100 Things about George and Alex
Pairing: George/Alex
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Note: Prompts 16-20
Summary: The lives of George and Alex only get more complicated the more you know about them.
016 Blah
Alex has had a lot of sex with a lot of women-great sex, good sex, and not-so-good sex. He enjoyed it, he really did, but that was before he met George O’Malley. Now that he’s with George…All of the Before was just…blah.
017 Blank
Blank. That’s how George feels as he and Alex lie in a heap, legs tangled and arms wrapped together. It’s a good blank caused by such great sex that it just erases every other possible thought a person could have. Blank.
018 Blissful
They both should really take the time to talk this out, to see where this…thing is actually going. They both have baggage-Alex, an entire baggage claim-but for now, they’re both content is just living in the moment and in each other. After all, you know what they say about ignorance.
019 Bored
“Are you…getting bored?” George asks one night as they lay there staring up at the ceiling. Chest heaving, he was satisfied-more than satisfied-but Alex seems like he’d been about to fall asleep the entire time. He looks back at George, brushing his fingers against his cheek. “Never.”
020 Bouncy
“I’ve never seen him like this,” Meredith says to George one day. She’s watching as Alex leads his interns through their rounds, and she can’t believe what she thinks she’s seeing. “Is that a bounce in his step?” George can only bow his head and try to hide the blush behind Mr. Callahan’s chart.