Title: 100 Things about George and Alex
Pairing: George/Alex
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Note: Prompts 6-10
006 Angry
It’s well past two when Alex lets himself into the apartment. George is now where to be seen, and the bedroom door is firmly shut. The pillow and sheets are already on the couch.
007 Annoyed
“George, it’s just harmless flirting,” Alex says as he and George scrub in for surgery. George shrugs him off, choosing to focus on washing his hands. “They’re interns, they don’t know any better. Besides, you know I prefer my dates with a little stubble.”
008 Anxious
“He’s going to be okay, George,” Meredith whispers, wrapping her hands around George’s arm. His whole body is shaking; the last time he was on this side, he lost his father. If he loses Alex…If he loses Alex…
009 Apathetic
When George first sees the scars that litter Alex’s body, he almost wants to cry. Almost. When he sees the apathy with which Alex treats them, the indifference about the years of abuse his parents put him through, George does cry.
010 Apologetic
“How many times to I have to say I’m sorry?” Alex asks, following George from the locker room. They have five minutes to get to Dr. Bailey for rounds, but that’s not the reason George is rushing down the hall. “I didn’t mean to delete the final episode of Oprah from the DVR!”