Title: 100 Things about George and Alex
Pairing: George/Alex
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Note: Prompts 1-5
Summary: The lives of George and Alex only get more complicated the more you know about them.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Grey’s Anatomy, George O’Malley, or Alex Karev. I’m simply borrowing them to have some fun.
001 Accomplished
The first time Alex flies solo, it’s nothing like that time in the elevator. He’s cool, calm, and collected, and it goes off without a hitch. George can’t be anything but proud.
002 Aggravated
“George.” Pressing his pillow to his ears, Alex turns onto his side and shoves the other man lightly. The snoring was
cute in the beginning, but after a forty-eight hour shift even George O’Malley isn’t that cute.
003 Aggressive
No one would know by looking at him, but George O’Malley is an animal in the sack. A legitimate wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s hot, and Alex is more than willing to let himself be a human chew toy.
004 Agonized
He hides in the stairwell during his father’s surgery. He can’t sit in the waiting room with his mother and brothers, and he certainly can’t do rounds despite Dr. Bailey’s threats. So he hides and he manages not to cry until Alex finds him. When he does, the dam bursts.
005 (Not) Amused
“I’m going to kill you, O’Malley,” Alex groans as he brushes his fingers against the love bite just under his chin. “I’ve got a consult this afternoon. How am I going to show up looking like a horny teenager?”