Three Kink Meme Entries

Jun 01, 2010 20:07

It's time for the Second Annual Kink Meme, and I've started writing for it against my better have-things-to-write judgment. Be afraid. Be very afraid. ;-D

All of these are NC17, naturally, so be warned!

Kink Prompt: Leverage - Tara/Parker/Sophie - Voyeurism (any one watching the other two)
Parker could cross a hardwood floor in army boots without making a sound. She was really good at it. People could drape their apartments and homes with whatever fancy systems they wanted; invisible barriers on the windows and doors and sensors under the carpet. It didn't matter. She could slip past anything. She paused in the hallway and listened to the sounds of the apartment. That was key; to attune herself to the natural noises in the world so she could slip by with them.

She heard a sigh and a whisper, and furrowed her brow. She bent down, halving her height, and moved toward the bedroom. She found a shadow and slipped into it, back to the wall, and looked toward the bed.

Tara was kneeling in the center of the bed, her back to the door. Her hair was down, wild and free, and cascaded to the small of her back. Parker stared at the contours of her spine, revealed in shadow, and watched her muscles as she rocked her hips slowly. The sigh came again, and a darker-toned hand slid up Tara's hip. A knee bent under the blankets, obscuring Parker's view of Tara's ass.

"That's good," Tara whispered. "Right there, Sophe..."

Parker undid her belt quietly; no metal belt buckles for her, because of the noise they made. She let the two halves of her belt hang loose as she undid her pants. She spread her legs apart and reached inside. Tara continued to move against Sophie's thigh, whispering too quietly for Parker to hear her. Sophie brought her other hand up, lacing her fingers together behind Tara, and she flipped them both. Sophie sat up and put her hand against the headboard. Tara ran her hands down Sophie's body, pushing the blanket away and grabbing her ass.

Parker ran her eyes over Sophie's back; so beautiful. She rubbed herself with two fingers, back and forth, slowly, just the way Sophie had done before she left. The way Tara had done while Sophie was gone. She bit her bottom lip and moved her hand faster, moving her hips.

Sophie, braced against the headboard, began to thrust against Tara. Hard, making the bed move, both of them grunting with exertion. Tara said Sophie's name, and begged, "Harder, Sophie, harder..." Her fingers pressed harder against Sophie's ass, and Sophie flipped the hair out of her face.

Parker moved down the wall; she wanted to see Sophie's face. When she was in the right position, she was distracted by other sights. Sophie's throat. Her bare breasts, with dark, erect nipples. The sweat on her skin reflecting light from the window. And Tara beneath her, chest and throat red with blush, her own nipples pink. Her lips parted in a silent gasp as she ground herself harder against Sophie's leg.

"I'm coming, Sophie..."

Parker came as well, closing her thighs around her hand. It wasn't hard to keep quiet; she'd spent her entire life staying quiet. When she was finished, she sagged against the wall and watched the two women on the bed. Sophie had bowed down and was lightly kissing Tara's lips, her hand resting on Tara's right breast. Sophie broke the kiss, brushed her nose against Tara's, and turned to look across the room.

"You know, Parker, we said you could use the front door..."

"I'm more comfortable doing it this way," Parker said.

"Whatever floats your boat," Tara said. She kissed Sophie's throat and then said, "Why don't you come over here and help me give Sophie her just desserts?"

Parker pushed her pants down and crossed the room to join the fun. Tara and Sophie just didn't understand. It was easier when she was invited, sure... but it was a lot more fun when she wasn't.

Kink Prompt: Sanctuary, Helen Magnus/Kate Freelander, drunken sex (Helen seducing Kate)

Kate took a whiff of the drink and immediately drew her head back. "Whoa-ho. Rotgut." But she drank, and the taste became less of an issue the more she drank. Will was already passed out, his empty mug dangling from his fingers. The locals were so pleased that Helen had freed them of the creature terrorizing their fields that they insisted on throwing a party in their honor. Helen had reluctantly agreed when told that to refuse would be an unforgivable insult. But Kate hadn't seen the good doctor since the first keg was tapped, and she was starting to suspect Dr. Magnus had given them the slip.

She explored the small community center, enjoying the sights. Apparently the locals weren't immune to the rotgut, and she saw several instances of PDA between two men, two women, sometimes three or more. Poor Will, sleeping through all the debauchery.

Kate was still looking for Helen when she was suddenly grabbed from behind, one hand closing tight on her shoulders to guide her into a dark corner. "There you are," Helen said. Her breath was warm on Kate's ear. "I have been looking for you." Helen's other arm slid around Kate's hip, and Kate saw a half-full cup of the liquor cupped in Helen's palm.

"Small world," Kate said.

Helen spun Kate around, pressing her to the wall. Helen filled the entrance of the small alcove, cutting off Kate's escape routes. Backlit by the torches, Kate couldn't see Helen's face but her breathing was rough and heavy. "How much have that liquor have you had, Doc?"

"Just enough," Helen said. She leaned forward suddenly and Kate cringed. Instead of a physical attack, Helen kissed Kate's cheek and then slid her lips up to Kate's. Kate kept her eyes open through the kiss, too shocked to react as Helen's tongue swept across her lips. When they parted, Helen said, "How much have you had?"

"Not quite that much..." Kate said. Her heart was pounding, her face hot.

Helen said, "Well, let's see what we can do about that." Helen brought one of the mugs up to her lips and took a long drink. She dropped the cup to the floor with a clatter and then pinned Kate against the wall, pressed their lips together, and thrust her tongue forward. Kate parted her lips, and a flood of the alcohol spilled into her mouth. She swallowed it and then parried with Helen's tongue with her own before she realized Helen's hands were roaming her body.

Kate's pants came undone with a snap, and she wanted to stop what was happening. She dropped her hands, resting them on Helen's wrists, and said, "Wait," as their kiss broke.

She could see Helen's lips, wet with drink, and tried not to think about how they felt against her own mouth. She swallowed hard, her hands trembling against Helen's wrists.

"It's time you learned who was in charge around here, Ms. Freelander," Helen whispered.

Kate met Helen's eyes, just visible in the darkness, and wrapped her fingers around Helen's wrist. She swallowed, licked her lips, and let Helen push her hand inside the tight denim. She closed her eyes as Helen pushed Kate's underwear aside and brushed the pads of her fingers over sensitive flesh. Kate's moan died in her throat, and she rocked her head back against the wall. Helen stepped even closer, covering Kate's body with her own. She straddled Kate's leg and began to thrust forward. Kate tilted her head up and Helen kissed her.

Kate slid her hands up Helen's arms, resting on her shoulders and pulling Helen closer. Helen extended two fingers and Kate moaned as they slid inside of her. She dug her fingers into Helen's shoulders and thrust down against her hand, riding her hard. Their kiss broke and Kate whimpered, and Helen slid her free hand down the front of Kate's blouse to cup her breast. Kate arched her back into the touch and rocked her head against the wall as she came, closing around Helen's fingers, holding her inside throughout her orgasm.

Helen finally withdrew, backing off and letting the small alcove fill with light. "Perhaps we could do this again sometime," Helen said. Her voice was all business, if a little slurred from drink. "Sometime when we're both a little less drunk."

Kate grinned. "Count on it."

Then Helen was gone, as quickly as she'd appeared. Kate sagged against the wall, her pants hanging loose around her waist, her shirt rumpled where Helen had groped her. They were definitely going to try that again, but they would be skipping the rotgut. She wanted a clear head for their next encounter.

Kink Prompt: Stargate SG1: Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran, naughty schoolgirl role playing
Sam tentatively put her hand on smooth skin, just above the knee. She moved her hand up, her palm skimming the thigh until she reached the hem of the plaid skirt. Only then did she look up and meet Vala's gaze. Vala smiled down at her, teeth bared in a wide and playful grin. Vala wore a white blouse and a blue necktie, the design matching her short dress. Her hair was in pigtails; Sam was aroused by that more than she cared to admit. The whole ensemble, really, was... nice. She wet her lips.

Vala brushed her hand through Sam's hair and said, "I'm sorry I teased you, Ms. Carter."

Sam was very aware of Vala's knees digging into the chair on either side of her. The strong legs pinning her to the cushion on either side. Somehow she had lost control of the game; she wasn't about to let that sit. She reached up and pushed Vala's hand away from her head. "Hands on the back of the chair, Ms. Mal Doran," Sam said. She tried to keep the arousal from her voice. She failed.

Vala stretched out and put her hands on the back of the chair. Her body was stretched, the shirt pulled taut across her breasts, which were right in front of Sam's face. It took all of her willpower not to tear the buttons off with her teeth, to run her tongue over the smooth flesh and taste Vala's sweat. She just put her other hand on Vala's thigh and used both hands to push up her dress, lifting it until the pink lacy panties were exposed. She touched the crotch with the knuckles of two fingers, rubbing until Vala reacted with a quiet gasp. Sam pinched the material between her fingers and pulled until Vala's dark pubic hair was exposed. She took her other hand off Vala's hand and pushed it into her underwear. She curled her fingers and pressed them hard against Vala's mound.

Sam released Vala's underwear, letting it close around her hand, and she moved her other hand around Vala's hip to rest on her ass. Vala began to move, and Sam swatted her. "Did I say you could move?"


"Quiet," Sam said. Her voice was rough with desire, and she slapped Vala's ass again. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes," Vala said. Her muscles were tense from the strain of holding herself still.

Sam ran her eyes down Vala's body. "Good girl." She brushed her thumb against Vala's labia, which had grown wet from Sam's teasing, and pressed the wet pad against Vala's clit. She rolled it in slow circles and began to pump her fingers. Vala clenched her jaw and moaned. "Permission to move, Ms. Carter?"

"Will you be a good girl?" Sam asked, struggling to stay in character when all she wanted was for Vala to start fucking her hand.

"Yes. I swear. I'll be good."

Sam said, "Then you may move."

Vala immediately began to move her hips. Sam could tell she wasn't going to last long, and she succumbed to her own temptation. She leaned forward and kissed Vala's breasts, tonguing and sucking to try and arouse the nipples through the fabric. Vala arched her back, and Sam thrust her hand harder, and Vala came with a cry of passion. She released the back of the chair and cupped Sam's head, grinding against Sam's hand.

Vala came with a shuddering moan, her fingers clutching Sam's hair as she bucked her hips and then fell still. Sam kissed Vala's throat, licking the sweat and tasting Vala's rapid pulse. She nipped at Vala's earlobe and said, "Have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes, Ms. Carter," Vala cooed into Sam's ear.

"I don't think you have."

"No?" Vala said.

Sam said, "Who gave you permission to take your hands off the back of my chair?"

Vala immediately grabbed the back of the chair again, but Sam was shaking her head. "Obviously you need another lesson."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Carter. Please, no..."

Sam cupped her hands under Vala's ass and lifted her. Vala wrapped her legs around Sam, hooking her patent-leather shoes in the small of Sam's back. "I'm sorry, Ms. Carter. I want to be good. I swear."

"I know," Sam said. She dropped Vala onto the bed, and then flipped her around so her ass was in the air. "But you need to be taught a lesson." She pushed Vala's dress up and yanked her panties down to expose her ass. Vala clutched the sheet and bit down on the pillow as Sam straddled her thighs. Sam rubbed her palm over Vala's ass until it was nice and soft. It was going to be a long night for this bad student.

Vala yelped as Sam's palm came down on her bare flesh. "P-please, ma'am, may I have another?" She was kneading the sheets with both hands, writhing in anticipation. Sam swallowed and rubbed her hands together.

A long, long night.

stargate, leverage, sanctuary, fic, helen/kate, samvala

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