FIC: "Off the Face of the Earth," Sam/Janet, NC17, Heroes fix!

Jun 01, 2010 16:20

Title: Off The Face of the Earth
Author: geonncannon
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Word Count: 3,175
Category: Romance, missing scene, fix-it
Spoilers: Heroes
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me.
Rating: NC17
Author's Note: This was originally meant for the ficathon, but I didn't finish in time. :(
Warnings: This involves Heroes. But in a good way.
Summary: Sam begins spending her free time visiting an off-world branch of the SGC.

Jack O'Neill forced a smile as the man lugged the camera into the briefing room. As soon as the man's back was turned, the smile fell and Jack stepped into Hammond's office. "It's not too late to kick them out, sir," Jack said. "Just throw a sheet over the Stargate, tell 'em it was all a practical joke..."

Hammond smiled and shook his head. "We've been over this, Jack. It was decided on a level way above the two of us. It's happening whether you like it or not."

Jack sighed and looked through the window at the crew. "I don't trust them. I mean, the whole thing is set up on the basis that they keep their word and don't air the documentary until we decide that it's time. Seriously? We're going to trust Michael Moore out there to sit on something like this?"

"We were ordered to do this," Hammond repeated. "But we were also allowed to take some precautionary measures."

Jack turned and raised his eyebrows. "Sir?"

"Close the door, Jack."


Sam wore her leather jacket and green fatigue pants, a cloth backpack hanging from her shoulders. The hill around the Stargate was so steep that she had to go up almost at a crawl, placing her hands against the ground to keep from stumbling as she climbed to the peak. She took off her cap and brushed her hand across her forehead. It was probably ninety degrees already, but a glance at the sky didn't help her determine the time of day. She exhaled, made sure her canteen was full, and started walking.

The path was meandering and barely noticeable. She and the rest of SG-1 hadn't been able to find it the first time until they were already on their way back to the Gate. She adjusted the bag on her shoulders and looked up at the trees. She was hoping to see one of those fuchsia-black birds that always seemed to find her when she visited.

The village was spread out across several acres, the outer homes connected by fences that formed a weak border. Sam unlatched the gate and stepped inside, immediately beset by a group of kids with dirt smudged on their faces. A leather ball bounced toward her, and Sam stepped to one side to kick it back toward them. One of the kids grabbed the ball and said, "Back for long time?"

"As long as I can get away with," Sam said.

The kid smiled and ran off to rejoin the game. The streets of the village were wide, gravel paths worn down by countless footsteps. Tall trees shaded her walk, and people waved to her from their porches as she passed. She remembered when the team had first arrived; the village was in disrepair, and most of the wooden doors were marked with black circles. They had donned hazmat suits before entering the town. What they found inside...

Sam reached the newest structure in town, an Army surplus tent next to a large field. Sam shrugged out of her pack as she stepped inside, dangling the strap from one hand. What had started as a makeshift triage unit was starting to resemble a real hospital. Locals dressed in white tunics were tending to their friends and neighbors. A few of them greeted Sam - she and SG-1 were now familiar visitors to their world - and she politely responded as she scanned the back of the room.

The back of the tent was open, and Sam saw the sun sparkling off the stream that ran behind the field. She was about to step out to check when Janet stepped inside with two plastic jugs of water, one dangling from each hand. Sam stepped to one side, out of Janet's line of sight, and stared at her. Janet's hair was turning blonde from the sun, and the short sleeves of her white scrub top showed off the tensed muscles in her tanned arms.

She handed off the water jugs and listened to one of her nurses give an update on a patient. Janet nodded, patted the nurse on the shoulder, and turned to read something off the iPad Sam had brought on her last visit. Sam set her pack on the ground and took something out. She quietly undid the wrapper and moved quietly across the hospital, making a 'quiet' motion to the patients as she closed in on Janet.

Sam held out the candy bar behind Janet's head.

Janet continued to read and then her hand hesitated, her head moved slightly to the side, and she said, "Does somebody have--" She turned and saw the chocolate, and then Sam, and she pushed Sam's hand out of the way to embrace Sam. "I didn't know you were coming."

"I got some unexpected downtime." She kissed Janet's lips and then said, "I won't be offended if you take--" Janet took the candy bar and bit off the end. Sam smiled. "--the candy. How have things been here?"

"Progressing," Janet said. She put her free hand on her hip and took another bite of her candy. "They're really getting the hang of it. I think I'm about ready to move on to the next world that needs me."

"Maybe a more temperate world," Sam said.

Janet rolled her eyes. "God, if you can swing that..."

"We have a couple of candidates. I brought the profiles; we can look over them together if you want."

"Okay. I was just about to take a little break. Laei, will you take over for me?" The nurse nodded, and Janet slipped her arm through Sam's. "Come on. How much chocolate did you bring me?"

Sam smiled and led Janet out of the triage center. "Things are really going well?"

"Amazingly," Janet said. "They're building a permanent hospital at the other end of town, straddling the stream. As soon as it's ready, I think I'll move on."

"Just make sure to leave a forwarding address." She squeezed Janet's arm, and Janet grinned. "I have to know where to send your drugs."

Janet laughed and took a big bite of her candy. "You have no idea how much I needed this. Or this." She turned and kissed Sam's shoulder. "I've missed you."

Sam turned to face Janet and kissed her lips again. "I've missed you, too."

Janet put her arms around Sam and held her. There were times Sam regretted their decision. Mostly at night, mostly when she had to change into a pair of pajamas and slide into bed by herself. But the timing had been so perfect. Bregman and his camera crew were preparing to film their documentary when Janet first confronted Hammond about her off-world Doctors-Without-Borders idea. Pre-industrial worlds were in dire need of medical attention, more than the SGC could provide with their hit and run visits and recon missions. Janet volunteered to be the first doctor to sign up, but Hammond was reluctant to agree.

But Bregman's video gave them an opportunity. The agreement was that Bregman could film whatever they wanted, but the SGC would have the final say on content and the documentary would be locked up until the SGC decided it was time to release it. No one trusted Bregman or his producers. The last camera crew we gave access stole our damn ship, O'Neill was fond of reminding anyone who would listen. So they came up with a landmine.

Bregman's video would show someone's death.

A brutal, sudden death to expose the danger faced by the men and women of the SGC on a daily basis. The spin was that they weren't exactly lying; so many people had died in the line of duty that it would still have the ring of truth. Bregman would have his video and, if he kept his word, everything would be fine. But if he tried to leak it or violate the terms of their agreement, the SGC had a weapon they could use against him. They would present the person who was shown dying in his film alive and well.

Hammond offered the position of victim to Janet. Whoever was shown dying would have to keep an extremely low profile on Earth... or they would have to leave Earth entirely. If Janet agreed, the IOA would green-light her off-world medical training. She would travel from world to world, teaching the indigenous people how to take care of themselves and providing medical assistance as needed. Janet sat down with Sam and Cassandra, and the three of them agreed it was an opportunity she couldn't pass up.

Sam volunteered to be Janet's liaison to the SGC and Earth. She was in charge of supply missions, briefings, and providing progress reports to the IOA. Due to the distance of most settlements from the Stargate, and the bulk of back and forth that had to happen between Sam and Janet, Sam's visits usually turned into overnight trips.

If anyone at the IOA thought it peculiar, none of them mentioned it.

Sam kissed the top of Janet's head. "Want to move?"

"Not yet," Janet whispered. She buried her face against Sam's chest and breathed deeply. "I braced myself to miss Earth. I did. But I didn't think I would miss you more than my planet. I get so homesick sometimes, Sam. And I don't mean mountains and blue skies."

Sam smiled and stroked Janet's hair. "Do you still have that shirt I gave you to wear to bed?"

"Mm-hmm," Janet said. "And the pillowcase."

"I brought a new one of both," Sam said.

Janet chuckled. "Excellent." She finally broke the embrace and took Sam's hand.

They continued down the path, and Sam looked down at Janet's hair. "I love the new look. Light hair, dark skin. You're a babe."

Janet scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Please. How are things on Earth?"

"Things have settled down. General O'Neill--"

"God," Janet said. "I still can't get used to that..."

Sam grinned. "Trust me, it was just as hard seeing him every day. It's like the class clown being promoted to principal. But we've all gotten used to the strangeness."

"Team leader," Janet said. She squeezed Sam's hand and pressed against her.

Sam chuckled. "That's the hardest thing of all to get used to."

"I bet you took to it like a duck to water. I'm over here." She pointed at a small hut set away from its neighbors. Sam walked her to it and Janet pushed the door open. "No locks."

Sam closed the door and dropped her pack in front of it. "Then we'll have to improvise." She pulled a small table over so that it blocked the door. When she turned, Janet grabbed her collar and pulled her into a fierce kiss. Sam wrapped her arms around Janet, parting her lips and taking Janet's tongue into her mouth. Janet pushed Sam's jacket off, let it dangle from her fingers, and draped it over the back of a chair as Sam walked her deeper into the room.

"Missed you," Janet breathed when the kiss broke.

"Prove it," Sam said.

Janet put her hands under Sam's shirt, on her warm belly. Sam found the top two buttons of Janet's blouse and undid them, breaking the kiss to look down and examine the leather ties that held the two halves together. "Why does your shirt have to be so complicated?"

Janet pulled her hands away from Sam. "Here," she gasped. She undid the knot at the top of the strap, then tugged on the bottom loop. The tie came loose, and the halves of Janet's blouse sagged open. Sam bowed her head and ran her tongue over Janet's cleavage, up her throat, finally finding her lips again before she put her hands inside the blouse and pushed it off Janet's shoulders.

They walked across the room, leaving a trail of clothes in their wake. When they reached the bed, Sam put her hands on the backs of Janet's thighs and guided her down onto the mattress. Janet ran her hands through Sam's hair, guiding her down. Sam kissed Janet's breasts, tonguing the hard buds of her nipples before moving further down, swirling her tongue in Janet's navel as she undid the button on Janet's trousers.

Sam pushed the pants down over Janet's hips. She sat up, and Janet lifted her legs so Sam could get them off. Janet placed her feet on the edge of the bed, knees bent out. Sam kissed Janet's knee and slid her lips down Janet's firm thigh, using her tongue along the tight muscles. She put her hand on Janet's mound, rubbing gently as she slowly traveled south. Janet made quiet, quaking breaths as Sam's lips and teeth played over her skin, pressing eagerly down against her hand. Sam finally moved her hand and pressed her lips to Janet's folds, and Janet moaned quietly.

Janet pulled a pillow over, pressing it under her butt to lift her lower body. Sam murmured her approval and Janet's entire body jerked at the sensation. Sam kissed Janet's thighs, her lips already wet with Janet's arousal. She remembered when she and Janet first became a couple, the first time Janet held her and whispered, "Would you go down on me?"

All Sam could say was, "I don't know how." Janet had kissed her and told her to slide down. Sam kissed her way down Janet's body and, with quiet and breathless instructions, taught Sam what to do. Now, all these years later, Sam was a pro with her lips and tongue. Janet touched her tongue to the corners of her mouth as she stretched out on the bed, focusing on what Sam was doing to her.

Her toes curled, and she whispered encouragement, moving her hand down to Sam's hair. Sam's long hair, hair she could wrap around her hand if she wanted to. She had been skeptical when Sam started to grow it out, but the first time Sam dragged her hair down Janet's naked body, teasing her nipples with feather-light touches and sweeping it over her stomach, Janet was totally sold.

Sam curled her tongue and thrust with it, bringing her hand up to give attention to Janet's clit. Janet pressed her lips together and closed her eyes. Sam looked up Janet's body, over the plane of her stomach and her beautiful breasts. She spotted something out of the corner of her eye and looked, smiling when she saw pictures of herself on Janet's nightstand. She lifted her head, still working with her thumb. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes, baby," Janet whispered.

Sam sat up, shedding her blouse and underwear before climbing onto the bed. She straddled Janet's right leg and moved up, pressing her thigh against Janet's sex. Janet opened her eyes and lifted her thigh up to meet Sam. Sam put her hands on Janet's hips and began to rock. Janet pushed herself up, wrapping her arms around Sam, holding onto her as she began to follow Sam's rhythm with her hips.

Sam brushed her mouth against Janet's cheek. Janet bowed her head, her cheek on Sam's shoulder. Sam reached up to stroke Janet's hair, thrusting gently against her while Janet's thigh rubbed tenderly against her. Soon they were both breathing heavily, Janet's sweat dripping onto Sam's shoulder, her fingers digging into Sam's hip to pull her closer as her orgasm built. "Sam," she whispered and licked Sam's shoulder up to her throat. She nipped Sam's earlobe and said, "I'm going to come. Are you close?"

"Mm," Sam whispered. Janet slowed her movements while Sam's increased. "Kiss me."

Janet kissed her way along Sam's cheek until she found Sam's lips, thrusting her tongue into Sam's mouth as they both began to moan. Sam moved her hand to the small of Janet's back and pulled her close, and Janet ran her hands up Sam's torso to her breasts, cupping them as she thrust her hips against Sam's leg. Sam bit Janet's lower lip and gently lowered her to the bed, untangling their legs. She lay on top of Janet, settling so her weight wouldn't crush her, and stroked her face and chest. Janet ran her hands up and down Sam's back, lazily kissing Sam as her heart rate returned to normal.

"You're good in bed," Sam whispered. "I mean, for a dead woman."

Janet grinned and kissed the tip of Sam's nose. "Yeah, well. You may be good at science. You're passable at math. But your real genius..." Janet's eyes sparkled. "What you just did to me with your tongue."

"I had an excellent teacher." She kissed Janet's lips again, her hand resting on Janet's breast and gently kneading it. She smiled and flicked her tongue against Janet's top lip, and Janet chuckled.

"How long can you stay?"

"Thirty-six hours," Sam said. "That means I'll have to go straight from the 'Gate to the briefing room, but it's worth it."

Janet smiled. "That's a long time."

"No, it's not," Sam whispered. She kissed Janet again and said, "You should probably get back to work."

"Mm. This is my break. I have a whole hour."

"Mmm. Now that is a long time," Sam said.

"All kinds of things to keep us occupied," Janet said, dragging her hands over Sam's body as Sam claimed her lips once again.


Daniel was waiting at the base of the rap when Sam returned. She was tan, her hair down, her bag hanging so low from her listless fingers that it almost scraped the ramp. Daniel blinked as he took in her sorry state. She looked exhausted. "Wow. Did you get any sleep?"

"Very, very little," Sam said, although she seemed happy about the fact.

"Jack postponed the briefing--" Sam rolled her eyes and Daniel nodded. "I know, I know. Shocking. But you have some time for a quick shower before the briefing."

"Beautiful. Thank you." They started walking, Daniel falling into step beside her.

"So, uh, what happened? Did Janet put you to work the second you arrived?"

Sam smiled. "She was relentless."

"Well, Jack always said she was a taskmaster."

"He had no idea," Sam said.

Daniel scratched his temple and turned to face her when they reached the elevator. "You know, Jack told me that you're scheduled for another three-day visit as soon as SG-1 returns from their next mission. I'm sure Janet wouldn't mind if you skipped one time."

"I don't mind. It's a chance to get some fresh air and sunshine, and I'm Janet's only real connection to Earth and to Cassandra."

"Still," Daniel said. "You deserve a little time to yourself."

Sam couldn't help but smile at his concern. "Daniel, trust me. I wouldn't assign myself to go on these missions unless I really, truly wanted to go."

He held out his hands in surrender and shook his head. "All right. Suit yourself. I still think you're a glutton for punishment."

"Work, work, work," Sam muttered, still smiling as she stepped into the elevator.

samjanet, stargate, fic

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