FIC: "Fact and Fiction," Ziva David/Kate Beckett (crossover with "Castle")

May 17, 2009 16:47

Title: Fact and Fiction
Pairing: Kate Beckett/Ziva David
Prompt: crossover (Castle)
Recipient: magicalmongoose
Words: 1,309
Summary: The creations of Thom E Gemcity and Richard Castle have nothing on the reality.

Richard Castle and Thom E. Gemcity had never met. They simply shared a publisher. Castle noticed the photograph on the publisher's wall on the rare occasions he visited, but he didn't give it much thought. And Gemcity, NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee in reality, had read all of Richard Castle's Derek Storm novels as research for his own novel series. McGee even had an autographed copy of the first in the series - signed to Gemcity instead of McGee - on the shelf in his writing room.

So Castle never realized the significance of the fact of Kate Beckett meeting with an NCIS liaison named Ziva David in connection to their latest case. She went alone to the meeting and shared what little information the NYPD had about their murder victim. Officer David, in return, told Beckett about the Navy lieutenant they believed to be responsible for the New York murder, as well as two murders in Virginia.

Their meeting of the minds turned into a dinner, and Beckett eventually broke the subject of working with a writer. Plied with a cocktail or two, Beckett revealed that she was the basis for Richard Castle's new main character. Ziva pointed out being a lead was better than being written as a sideline character, a love interest for the men. Beckett countered with her character's name, Nikki Heat, and Ziva conceded defeat.

After dinner, they walked together. Ziva promised NCIS would work the case concurrently with the NYPD rather than trying to overtake jurisdiction. Beckett thanked her as they walked through the twilight streets. When they reached Ziva's hotel, Beckett was reluctant to leave.

There was a street light on the corner, and they stood in the shadow cast by the hotel's awning. Beckett touched Ziva's cheek with a hand, the leather glove keeping the move from being overly intimate. Ziva turned her head, as if trying to see the hand, her hair and the shadows blocking her face. She kissed the inside of Beckett's wrist, between her glove and the sleeve of her coat, and then raised her eyes again.

They didn't need to question it; Beckett never asked to come up and Ziva never invited her. They simply turned and went into the well-lit lobby and rode the elevators up to Ziva's floor. Beckett followed Ziva into the room, casual like she'd done it thousands of times before. She waited for Ziva to take off her coat and turn to face her before making her move.

They kissed, tentatively and then attempting to assert dominance. Beckett moved Ziva backward through the hotel room. Ziva wrapped her arm around the blue-and-white scarf Beckett wore, the one Ziva had said "looked like ice" over dinner. She pulled it from around Beckett's neck and dropped it onto the bed.

Beckett let Ziva strip her of jacket and blouse, raising a hand to stop her before she could get to the pants and bra. Ziva leaned back on her elbows as Beckett climbed onto the bed, straddling Ziva and pushing her down. They kissed again and Ziva ran her hands over Beckett's exposed stomach, teasing the waistband of her pants as Beckett blindly undid the buttons of Ziva's blouse. She kissed down Ziva's neck, kissing her breasts through her black bra, and then dragged her tongue back up.

Ziva, refusing to be on the bottom longer than necessary, twisted and pinned Beckett to the mattress. Beckett smiled up at her, black hair covering her eyes like a veil, and Ziva knew she had found a worthy opponent. She pressed her thigh between Beckett's legs and rocked her entire body forward. Beckett grunted, but bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying out.

Beckett grabbed the belt loops of Ziva's trousers and yanked down, only managing to expose the top curve of her ass. Ziva pushed Beckett's bra up and away, revealing a pink nipple which she bowed to kiss. Beckett squeezed Ziva's thigh with both legs, keeping her in place, and rocked her body, throwing Ziva off-balance. They twisted on the mattress and Ziva rolled around so that she was facedown on the bed.

Beckett pressed herself against Ziva's back and reached around, touching her through her pants. Ziva's body twisted underneath Beckett like a serpent and she lifted her head. Beckett kissed her and pulled Ziva's hips against her own. Ziva grunted and nipped at Beckett's bottom lip, then pushed herself up and grabbed the headboard. She looked over her shoulder again. "Do this," she whispered.

Beckett pulled away and did as Ziva requested. Ziva moved Beckett's hands so that her wrists were crossed. She retrieved Beckett's scarf and looped it around her hands. She secured Beckett to the headboard, then looked at her, their faces inches apart. Beckett was breathing heavily, her hair in her face, and she stared into Ziva's dark, soulful eyes. "Yeah," Beckett said, nodding once.

"Call me Lisa if you want to stop. All right?"

Beckett nodded again.

Ziva moved behind Beckett like a predator, her body brushing Beckett's as she moved. She rose onto her knees and molded herself to Beckett's back. She used the sides of her hands to brush along Beckett's torso, running down from shoulder to hip like twin razors. She unhooked Beckett's bra and pushed it up her arms, letting it dangle around her forearms. She ran her fingernails over Beckett's ribcage, smiling when Beckett shuddered violently at the touch, and then finally undid the button of her trousers.

Ziva dropped down onto her elbows as she pushed Beckett's pants and underwear down. She kissed the cheeks of Beckett's ass, pressed her cheek against the curve at the small of Beckett's back, and ran her tongue along Beckett's spine. Beckett arched her back as Ziva ignited the trail, pressing eagerly against her when Ziva embraced her from behind again.

Ziva put both hands between Beckett's legs, forming a diamond with her fingers. Beckett gasped and swallowed hard. Ziva touched Beckett and explored with her tongue, kissing Beckett's neck and nibbling on her earlobe. Beckett pulled at the scarf several times, but it refused to come lose. "Please, Ziva..."

Ziva moved Beckett's body with her hips, forcing Beckett against her probing fingers. Before long, Beckett was panting. Ziva held on tight, biting down on Beckett's shoulder. Ziva felt wetness on her fingers and brushed them over Beckett's clit. "Oh, God, Ziva..."

Ziva didn't stop until Beckett went limp, reluctantly pulling away from her body and reaching out to untie the scarf. When Beckett's hands were free, she twisted at the waist and pressed her lips hard against Ziva's. Their tongues fought for dominance and, this time, Beckett won. She shoved Ziva down, pinning her to the mattress, and breaking the kiss before Ziva could. Ziva kept her lips parted, her eyes closed, for a moment after Beckett retreated.

Beckett smiled down at her and swept the hair out of her face with a wave of her hand. They kissed again, gentler this time, and Beckett let her body collapse on top of Ziva's. When she broke this kiss again, Ziva said, "Now I suppose it is your turn?"

"You better believe it," Beckett said, reaching out for something.

Ziva smiled and lifted her arms above her head, crossing her arms at the wrist. "Do to me as you will."

"Not that," Beckett said, running her hand up Ziva's arm and pulling it back down. She kissed Ziva's fingers, the fingers that had moments ago been inside of her. She ran her tongue over Ziva's palm and then put her hand down.

"Then what--" Ziva started, but the question was moot. She smiled at Beckett's scarf descended over her eyes, and she lifted her head so the detective could tie the two ends together.

Obviously their night was only just beginning...
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