Title: Five People Who Ate Abby's Cupcake
geonncannonFandom: NCIS
Pairings: Abby/Ziva (implied), Abby/Kate
Word Count: 2,211
Category: Humor, AU
Spoilers: Last Man Standing, Agent Afloat, Capitol Offense
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Rating: PG13
Author's Notes: It's been a LONG LONG TIME since I posted here. 11 weeks, according to LJ's front page. But I was inspired after seeing "Capitol Punishment," so I decided (and
rysler cajoled me) to write a "Five People" story. Enjoy!
Summary: An AU of the episode "Capitol Offense" where Abby's case was not solved and everyone is still a suspect.
Read 'Five People Who Ate Abby's Cupcake' at my LJ