Dec 28, 2005 23:26
I'm going to the Lancaster, PA area tomorrow. I'll be seeing old friends this weekend for New Year's, and fun times always ensue *knock on wood*
So that means I'm taking 2 days of vacation this week. Yay me for taking time off. Getting back into 45 hour weeks will be difficult after not working a full week for ~3 weeks, but I think this is worth it.
I almost cried today at work - but for a good reason. Here's why: A coworker's aunt died on Monday night; he told me a story about his girlfriend's daughter. When trying to console my coworker, the young girl (4 years old) told him, "I'm going to write her a letter, and then burn the letter, so the letter will get to her up in Heaven in the smoke."
Now I don't really believe in Heaven and all that, but damn, that line made me teary eyed. And also my coworker, as he told me the story. It was a sweet moment. I love kids.
In other news, I got an amazing bonus this year. I mean, my jaw dropped when I opened the check. I still can't believe it. It's about 1/3 of my yearly salary. I only get to take home 2/3 of that, but still! I thanked my nice boss, Jeff, today and he reaffirmed that I definitely earned it by largely contributing to the company's success. That makes me feel sorta good.
There are some shitty things I want to write about, but this is a "positive" entry. I write about those things later, if I remember them, which hopefully I won't.